US Senator Proposes Requiring Defense Department to Report on the Threat of Chinese Military AI Development

In a military exercise, the display of gun-wielding intelligent robotic dogs by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has raised concerns among American lawmakers, prompting the Pentagon to submit a report on the latest threats posed by CCP military artificial intelligence.

On Monday, Fox News quoted Congressman Vern Buchanan (Republican from Florida) as saying that advanced artificial intelligence (AI) is the next major frontier in both the economic and military domains, affecting the United States and its adversaries such as the CCP.

Buchanan emphasized that ignoring the development of other countries in the field of artificial intelligence could result in the U.S. losing its global standing and its position as the world’s most powerful military force.

He stressed that anyone who believes China (CCP) will only use these technologies for peaceful purposes is deceiving themselves.

On June 14, an amendment drafted by Buchanan was included in the latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed by the House of Representatives, drawing attention to the potential game-changing threats posed.

Buchanan’s legislation added a provision requiring the U.S. Secretary of Defense to report on the threat to U.S. national security posed by the CCP’s use of artificial intelligence in the military, such as the gun-wielding robotic dogs.

In June, the House of Representatives voted to pass the 2025 fiscal year NDAA, which improved the treatment of U.S. military personnel; enhanced deterrence against adversaries like the CCP, calling for increased U.S.-Taiwan cooperation to enhance Taiwan’s defense capabilities; and continued investment in innovative emerging technologies like artificial intelligence.

Recently, the independent American media outlet Military Times published screenshots of an official CCP media video showing the CCP military demonstrating gun-wielding intelligent robotic dogs in a joint exercise with Cambodia.

According to Military Times, a CCP military spokesperson claimed that these robotic dogs could autonomously perform multiple tasks and would become “future urban warfare weapons.” These intelligent robotic dogs weigh 110 pounds, carry automatic rifles, and are capable of shooting.

While drone warfare is not a new concept, the U.S. military has been experimenting with using robotic dogs for reconnaissance and troop support missions for years. However, U.S. lawmakers believe the emergence of these new armed robotic dogs should raise concerns and vigilance within the U.S. government.

Fox News quoted Buchanan as saying that while the U.S. has previously experimented with similar intelligent robotic dogs, the CCP’s practice of arming them and showcasing them in military exercises is worrisome.

He stated, “This should be a wake-up call to everyone to make sure that our military is always one step ahead of them.”

According to an analysis by Jie Zhong, a researcher at the Institute for National Defense and Security Research in Taipei, based on footage released by CCP state media, these robotic dogs still require human control and have limited intelligence. In other words, while their focus on Taiwan is evident, their battlefield practicality remains questionable.

When asked if it is possible for the Senate, led by Democrats, to remove the provision from the NDAA bill, Buchanan told Fox News that due to national security considerations, the request for a “common-sense” report should not be controversial.