US Secret Weapon Now on Google Maps, Expert: May Warn Against the CCP

Recently, some keen military enthusiasts discovered through Google satellite images the top-secret autonomous submarine “Manta Ray” docked at a naval base in the western United States. Experts speculate that the United States may have intentionally “leaked” the Manta Ray to send a warning signal to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

At the end of June, clear images from Google revealed the Manta Ray, which bears a resemblance to spacecraft from “Star Wars,” docked at the port of Naval Base Ventura County in California, standing out starkly against two large vessels nearby. However, shortly after the news broke, the photo was replaced by an “edited” version featuring different ships.

According to publicly available information, the Manta Ray is an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) or underwater drone developed by the American multinational aerospace and defense company Northrop Grumman. It is part of the U.S. Navy’s development of long-endurance, long-range, and high-payload underwater drones.

The Manta Ray UUV completed full underwater testing off the coast of Southern California around March of this year. With a flat and sleek design, it can anchor itself in deep waters to remain stationary without needing additional fuel for long-duration operations in low-power mode underwater.

Designed after the shape of a manta ray in the ocean, the Manta Ray gets its name from this resemblance. Manta rays, also known as devilfish, are known for their unique, wide, diamond-shaped bodies and triangular pectoral fins. It is believed that these fish can stay underwater for extended periods and have widely dispersed populations, making their migration patterns unpredictable.

Furthermore, the prototype of the Manta Ray can be rapidly transported in batches from its construction site in Maryland to testing locations in California, demonstrating ease of transport and assembly that enables rapid deployment worldwide without occupying naval docks.

At the time, Dr. Kyle Woerner, the project manager for the Manta Ray at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), stated in a press release, “We have successfully completed comprehensive testing of the Manta Ray UUV. We have verified its field rapid assembly and modular capabilities, showcasing operational readiness.”

“The integration of multinational modular transport, field assembly, and subsequent deployment demonstrates the pioneering capability of large UUVs,” he added.

Dr. Woerner further explained, “Transporting the Manta Ray directly to the designated operational area saves energy compared to other transportation methods. Once deployed, the vehicle glides through the water efficiently using buoyancy propulsion. It is designed with multiple payload bays of different sizes and types to execute various naval missions.”

Military analyst Charlotte Shan told the Epoch Times, “The CCP is one of the primary challenges to the United States, so many of the weapons systems being developed by the U.S. are related to countering the CCP, including the Manta Ray UUV. While this equipment can be used worldwide, the main focus for the U.S. is the battleground in the Western Pacific.”

“This type of drone is a new concept in underwater equipment. It boasts high maneuverability and broader mission capabilities, able to carry different equipment for various missions. From these capabilities, it is not only intended to counter unmanned vessels and underwater drones developed by the CCP and Russia, but also to pioneer a new combat capability in underwater areas under a global command and control system.”

Although the U.S. government has not made a public statement, the U.S. Navy is vigorously pushing the development of underwater drones to counter strategic actions by Russian and CCP submarines. Russia has revealed its plans to purchase and develop various types of unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) and submarines, including the new heavy autonomous underwater drone Surrogate-V, Vityaz-D, Amulet-2, and the delivery of the giant nuclear-powered submarine Belgorod (K-329) to the Russian Navy by 2027.

Currently, Russia plans to deploy the Poseidon, a torpedo with underwater drone capabilities, onboard the Belgorod. Navy expert Sutton believes the Poseidon is a “super-giant nuclear torpedo,” approximately 65 feet (20 meters) long and 6.5 feet (2 meters) wide, capable of traveling long distances underwater thanks to its nuclear propulsion.

Additionally, the explosive power of the Poseidon nuclear warhead is estimated to be over 100 times that of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, with the potential to trigger nuclear tsunamis if detonated, engulfing coastal cities in the vicinity.

Former Deputy Commander of the Taiwanese Air Force and adjunct professor at the National Defense University’s Political Warfare College, Zhang Yanting, commented to the Epoch Times, “Based on leaked data about Russia’s Poseidon, it is a ‘doomsday weapon’ carrying a super nuclear warhead. Indiscriminate use of it could trigger the Third World War, so Russia portrays it as a nuclear weapon for intimidating the West to deter Western countries from sending regular troops to support Ukraine.”

In addition to Russia, the CCP has extensively promoted its development of underwater drones and unmanned vessels for intelligence gathering, target attack, and mine-laying through military parades, online showcases, and some media outlets.

In May of this year, the CCP publicly advertised the sale of super-sized UUVs (XLUUVs weighing over 40 tons) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The CCP claimed that these large UUVs could carry out coordinated operations with nuclear submarines, engaging in target attacks, strategic deterrence, reconnaissance, hydrological surveys, and underwater exploration.

In September 2022, the official newspaper of the British Navy, Navy News, disclosed the discovery of two black-painted super-sized underwater drones in the naval base in Sanya, Hainan Island, through Google photos. These two underwater drones vary in size, with the smaller one likely to be used for intelligence gathering and monitoring, while the larger one may possess offensive mine-laying, anti-submarine warfare, personnel transport capabilities, and even the ability to hunt enemy surface vessels.

In response, Director of the Institute of Defense Strategy and Resources at the Taiwan Institute for National Defense and Security Research, Su Ziyun, stated to the Epoch Times, “Currently, the main purpose of the CCP’s development of underwater drones is targeted at the Taiwan Strait, aiming to seal off Taiwan using these underwater drones. In the event of a war, they would utilize these drones for reconnaissance and attacking allied ships coming to Taiwan’s aid, preventing the timely rescue of Taiwan by allied fleets.”

“The CCP has previously developed many similar biomimetic unmanned submarines, but they are much smaller in size compared to the U.S. Manta Ray. The exposure of this Manta Ray drone through Google satellite images may be a deliberate message from the U.S. to inform the CCP that America’s technology remains at the forefront.”