US Lawmaker Calls for Ban on Chinese Tech-Connected Cars from Entering US Military Bases

US Congress Members Urge Pentagon to Ban Chinese Technology Enabled Networked Cars from Entering Military Bases

In light of the security risks posed by these vehicles, Members of the US Congress have called on the Pentagon to prohibit networked cars equipped with Chinese technology from accessing military bases in the United States. This move comes following an investigation by the Biden administration into the potential threats posed by these vehicles.

According to a report by Bloomberg, on Thursday, members of the House of Representatives’ “US-China Strategic Competition Committee” outlined their concerns in a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Chairman of the China Task Force and Republican Representative Mike Gallagher, along with the committee’s lead Democratic member Raja Krishnamoorthi, urged Austin to ban cars containing Chinese technology such as LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) from entering US military bases.

LiDAR is a sensor that emits pulsed light waves to determine distances in the environment, aiding in navigation for vehicles equipped with autonomous driving features. The Chinese authorities have banned Tesla’s vehicles from accessing certain government and military installations citing security concerns. They fear that the US electric car manufacturer collects sensitive data through built-in cameras and ultrasonic sensors in an uncontrollable manner.

In their letter, the two lawmakers stated, “National security risks are very real. Even if Chinese networked vehicles never gain a major market share in the US, many networked technologies like LiDAR or IoT modules can continue to operate on our roads and critical infrastructure.”

The letter referenced a survey by the US Department of Commerce, which could lead to a ban on transactions involving certain Chinese automotive technologies in the US, consequently prohibiting cars that include forbidden components, including electric vehicles.

The letter also highlighted the potential data and cybersecurity risks posed by networked cars that gather substantial amounts of personal data.

Hesai Group, included in the US Defense Department’s “Chinese Military-Industrial Complex” blacklist in January, is considered the world’s largest LiDAR supplier, with clients including Chinese companies like “NIO Inc.” and “Xiaomi Group.”
