US Investigates Assets of Communist Party’s High-level Officials: Analysis Suggests CCP Could Face Internal Turmoil

Recently, US media revealed that US intelligence agencies are compiling a report on high-level corruption and hidden wealth within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), including top CCP leaders and other members. Analysts suggest that once this report is made public, it will cause unprecedented disruption to CCP rule, potentially leading to internal turmoil.

Renowned media figure with close ties to the US military, Bill Gertz, published an article in The Washington Times on April 10, disclosing that US intelligence agencies are investigating the seven members of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee, with the related report currently being compiled.

According to Section 6501 of the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, National Intelligence Director Avril Haines, in conjunction with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, has been tasked with completing and releasing a non-classified report on “the wealth and corrupt activities of the Chinese Communist Party leadership” since December last year.

The report targets Xi Jinping and other top CCP officials, including the 205-member Central Committee, 25 Politburo members, and the Politburo Standing Committee. Additionally, the investigation and assessment extend to the party secretaries of the 29 provincial committees.

In March of this year, the US House Committee passed the “Sanction CCP Act,” imposing financial and visa sanctions on Xi Jinping, members of the Central Committee, and their adult relatives. Sanctions include asset freezes, visa revocations, and the withdrawal of any possible benefits.

US commentator Lan Shu stated on April 16 that once the US discloses the overseas assets of senior CCP officials, especially those held by the seven members of the Politburo Standing Committee, the impact on the CCP would be immeasurable, posing an unprecedented challenge to the party’s history.

“It will fundamentally change how Chinese society views the CCP, rapidly generating significant centrifugal forces within Chinese society.”

However, he emphasized that the impact would be limited if only assets of provincial-level officials were disclosed, failing to achieve the same level of shock effect.

Executive Director of the Taiwan Inspiration Association, Lai Rongwei, mentioned on April 16 that US intelligence agencies should have long been aware of the wealth status of high-ranking CCP officials overseas.

“Throughout last year, when the CCP should have been focused on economy, it was instead heavily involved in politics, crackdowns within various military ranks, including Xi Jinping’s affiliates. A major reason possibly lies in the continuous outward flow of wealth by senior CCP officials, something the US intelligence agencies are also aware of.”

Lai stated that this report serves as a weapon for the US, and upon release, it would have a significant impact on the CCP. Xi Jinping would likely use anti-corruption as a pretext to create turmoil within the party and initiate a psychological warfare in the society.

“He fears opposition from the Chinese people against the CCP and might manipulate the public opinion, claiming these allegations are merely Western defamation towards China. Nevertheless, once this information is out, it will significantly damage China’s efforts to attract investments and maintain a peaceful image.”

Lan Shu remarked that this report would circulate among CCP cadres, making the party’s anti-corruption campaign, law enforcement agencies, and central disciplinary institutions mere jests.

“With various government bodies currently forcing civil servants to take pay cuts and reduce personnel numbers, many losing their jobs, the effects of this report upon its release would be unimaginable.”

In recent years, overseas reports have exposed real estate holdings by family members of top CCP officials such as Wang Qishan, Yang Jiechi, and Wang Yi.

The 2016 “Panama Papers” scandal revealed over 11 million legal and financial records globally, demonstrating evidence of several prominent CCP families using offshore companies to hide substantial funds.

In March of this year, Reuters revealed that during his presidency, Trump authorized the CIA to engage in covert operations on Chinese social media, disseminating negative messages about the Xi Jinping government under false identities. Additionally, negative information was leaked to foreign media, including details of illicit assets held abroad by corrupt CCP officials and corruption within the Belt and Road Initiative. These reports, though authentic, commenced in 2019 but were never reported.

For decades, the CCP has conducted internal brainwashing and utilized the Great Firewall to block unfavorable information from entering China. Experts believe that while the CCP may attempt a similar action in response to this US report, it will not be able to completely suppress it.

Lai noted that the CCP has long controlled public opinion, but now the public’s awareness has significantly increased. They have access to circumvention tools, various channels exposing them to the external world, and the spread of such information will be much quicker.

“With declining national strength and economic challenges, more and more Chinese people are resentful towards CCP rule. A strong authoritarian regime against an increasingly dissatisfied society will escalate costs for the former, potentially leading to an eventual downfall.”

Lan Shu also shared that once the US releases the report, the CCP cannot block the information. “When ‘Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party’ was published, the CCP tried to suppress it, but was it successful? It’s impossible to stifle it.”

Seasoned media figure Bill Gertz believes that this report on CCP corruption and assets will impact the Biden administration’s efforts to ease relations with Beijing.

However, Lan Shu argues that if Biden releases this report, it could benefit his reelection efforts in the upcoming US election.

“Previous US elections never placed such a significant emphasis on a foreign power (the CCP issue) as it does this year. If Biden discloses this investigative report before the election, it could earn him considerable favor during the campaign.”

Regarding the timing of the US leaking the report, Lai Rongwei suggests there are multiple reasons, including the upcoming inauguration of Taiwan’s new president on May 20, the US presidential elections this year, and the recent resumption of normal interactions between the US and China despite significant differences in opinions. Both sides are showcasing their capabilities.

“Because of May 20, the inauguration of our President Lai, they (the US) are telling the CCP not to cause trouble before May 20. I have both soft and hard measures to handle, with US aircraft carriers cruising near Taiwan. Moreover, the control over the assets of these CCP officials is meant to intimidate them (the CCP).”

Lan Shu believes that if this report was solely intended as a deterrent against the CCP, it would not need to be publicly disclosed; simply having the report would serve its purpose. “However, once it’s unveiled, its impact transcends mere deterrence, causing significant repercussions for the CCP.”

He stressed that regardless of the US’s intentions behind releasing this report, it would serve as a great benefit to the Chinese people and the world at large. “If this report is indeed made public, the CCP will not have the luxury of focusing much on Taiwan issues anymore, and the centrifugal force generated internally will lead the entire CCP system into chaos.”

Editor-in-Charge: Sun Yun#