US House Sanctions Chinese Communist Officials, Expert: Highlighting the importance of quitting the party

The United States House of Representatives recently passed a bill imposing financial and visa sanctions on members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) involved in the persecution of Chinese people. The bill also exempts those who renounce their CCP membership and make amends from sanctions. Analysts believe that this bill plays a significant role in stopping the CCP from committing evil acts and serves as a deterrent to its followers, emphasizing that “quitting the Party” can lead to a brighter future for oneself and family.

The “Sanctioning CCP Perpetrators and Persecutors Act” passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on September 25 authorizes the U.S. to impose sanctions on members of the CCP Central Committee involved in infringing on Hong Kong’s autonomy, violating the rights of Taiwanese people, and participating in the political persecution and human rights violations of individuals and groups in mainland China, including the Uyghur Muslims.

The sanctioned individuals include: (1) any CCP Central Committee members involved in the above-mentioned actions; (2) each member of successor organizations if the CCP Central Committee is dissolved; (3) adult family members of the aforementioned individuals, including spouses or adult family members of spouses.

Sanctions measures include property freezes, visa revocations preventing entry into the U.S., and revocation of any other benefits obtainable under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Yi Zhongyuan, Director of the Global Quitting the Party Center, expressed to Epoch Times that these sanctions targeting senior CCP members and their families are part of the U.S.’s encirclement of the CCP. They now realize that the communist regime poses a genuine threat to the U.S. and the Western world.

Beijing lawyer Gao Shenghua (pseudonym) also told Epoch Times that from grassroots to official levels, understanding the nature of the CCP’s totalitarian rule is crucial. It not only threatens millions of ordinary people in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau but also jeopardizes global security and peace.

“This bill is quite significant,” said Henan lawyer Chen Xi (pseudonym) to Epoch Times. Given the CCP’s repression of Hong Kong residents, Uyghurs, and human rights violations in recent years, along with its threats of using force to unify Taiwan, this bill indeed has a positive impact, effectively deterring high-ranking officials and their followers from acting with impunity.

“For the sake of their rights and interests, they blindly or actively carry out the CCP’s top-level wrong or anti-human decisions. Privately, they transfer their wealth and loved ones to safer locations in Europe and America. Therefore, the U.S. passing such a bill can effectively deter these local authorities, at least preventing them from persecuting human rights so aggressively and without restraint.”

Lawyer Chen stated, “If they indeed implement it (the legislation), it can certainly to some extent deter and curb the CCP officials from committing evil acts.”

In China, there is an old saying, “Shoot the leader before the horse, catch the king before the thief.” Lawyer Gao expressed that the responsibilities of the specific implementers who were brainwashed, incited, or compelled cannot be erased in one stroke. However, the leaders or influencers giving orders must be identified. Therefore, targeting the top-level decision-makers and cutting off their retreat paths is a promising approach.

“For those at the peak of the pyramid, making them aware of the costs and consequences of their evil deeds can effectively deter other followers or supporters.”

Regarding the nearly one billion CCP members in this vast organization, Lawyer Gao believes that the majority are not benefiting significantly but are objectively being held hostage. Therefore, differentiating them through various means is a worthwhile path to explore and try out.

The U.S. House’s bill also states, “Sanctions can be waived if the sanctioned individual decisively renounces their CCP membership and takes active steps to condemn or correct the CCP’s persecution policies.”

Yi Zhongyuan thinks this is a magnanimous gesture. Because it provides a way out for senior CCP officials, they can either quit the Party or engage in activities beneficial to the people, such as no longer persecuting Tibetans, Uyghurs, and all Chinese people.

“If they can consider the interests of the people, do things that no longer persecute Chinese citizens and exit the Communist Party organization simultaneously, they have a future ahead, providing them with an exit strategy.”

Lawyer Chen also remarked that for individual officials, if they can renounce their Party membership, withdraw from the CCP, actively cooperate with the U.S. government, or prove they have taken actions to prevent human rights violations and threats against Taiwan, they could indeed be relieved of their culpability.

“This helps effectively erode the CCP’s organization and gives these officials an opportunity for redemption.”

Currently, the CCP faces internal worries and external challenges, being subject to comprehensive attacks internationally, notably led by the United States. With the domestic economy in long-term decline and widespread discontent among the common people, the U.S. introducing this bill is detrimental to the CCP. Yi Zhongyuan said, “It directly affects their economic interests, their family members, their financial assets, overseas travels, etc., serving as a direct warning to them.”

The passage of the bill by the House of Representatives is pending approval in the Senate and requires the President’s signature to become official law.

Lawyer Gao stated that as a leading superpower, the U.S. must unite peaceful and human rights-respecting forces using its comprehensive political, economic, and cultural strengths to ensure the CCP not only cannot linger on but also terminates its inhumane rule sooner.

“This bill targets the CCP high-ranking officials, but some of them might not be within the Central Committee or deputy committee members. However, smaller crimes do not equate to lesser guilt. Hence, further refinement and detailing may be necessary.”

“The core perpetrators of human rights violations do not only belong to the powerful departments but also the propaganda system, or as known as the Truth Ministry system. Their spiritual killings, physical harm, along with mental damages, should all be equally significant.”

Lawyer Gao believes, “The most crucial aspect is pushing it to become law and successfully executing and summarizing related experiences honestly to refine various methods continuously, making it impossible for the CCP, especially its top echelons, to continue their evil deeds, ultimately compelling them to surrender.”

“The longer this process drags on, the potential for deepening disaster for China and the world. So, these efforts at this critical historical moment, especially the enactment and passage of this bill, ultimately leading to its implementation, are promising.”

Since Epoch Times published the editorial “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” in 2004, initiating a wave of withdrawals from the Party among Chinese worldwide, the number of people registered on the Epoch Times website to quit the CCP organization (Quitting the Party, Quitting the Youth League, Quitting the Young Pioneers) has surpassed 430 million.

Yi Zhongyuan said, “If these Central Committee members also resign and obtain our Chinese and English Quitting the Party certificates, it can entirely demonstrate their intention to abandon the Communist Party and sever ties with the CCP. I believe the U.S. government will consider this.”

“Since the Quitting the Party Center certificate is likely the only one globally, the U.S. values it. Immigration officials, including government officials, acknowledge it.”

Yi Zhongyuan stated that all CCP members or individuals serving the CCP should contemplate their future on the eve of the CCP’s collapse, which is an opportunity given to them by fate. “If you apply for a visa to the U.S., your relatives come to America, or transfer money to the U.S., these are very practical issues that will constrain them immediately. They should seriously consider their future, abandon the Communist Party, and find a way out for themselves and their families.”

Yi Zhongyuan concluded by saying, “I hope that the core CCP members of the Central Committee, including all Party members, will abandon the Communist Party, choose goodness, tradition, and a bright future for themselves and their families.”

Regarding the procedure for obtaining a Quitting the Party certificate, Yi Zhongyuan mentioned, “You can apply for a Quitting the Party certificate on the Global Quitting the Party Center website, overseas, visit a Quitting the Party office, and volunteers at truth clarification sites in major Chinese communities in the U.S. and Western countries can assist with quitting the Party.”