US Air Force Secretary Warns: Chinese Military Drills Becoming More Sophisticated in Preparation for Taiwan Invasion

US Air Force Secretary Kendall stated on Monday that in the past 15 years, the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the Indo-Pacific region has been escalating, causing growing concerns among various countries. This includes preparations for invading and blockading Taiwan and conducting larger and more sophisticated military exercises.

Speaking at the Air, Space & Cyber Conference hosted by the Air & Space Forces Association, Kendall emphasized that he has been closely monitoring the military developments of the CCP over the past 15 years.

He stressed that the CCP is not a “future threat” but a “present threat.”

Kendall highlighted that the CCP continues to heavily invest in its military capabilities specifically designed to defeat the US and its allies in the Western Pacific, including weapons targeted at US Air Force bases and aircraft carriers.

Furthermore, Kendall mentioned that China (CCP) is expanding its nuclear capabilities and its operational capabilities in cyberspace. He stated, “We can expect all these trends to continue.”

Over the past 15 years, Kendall noted that during his visits to the Indo-Pacific region, he observed other countries becoming increasingly worried about the CCP’s growing capabilities and intentions, sometimes even feeling alarmed.

This includes tailoring larger and more sophisticated military exercises specifically for invading and blockading Taiwan.

“I am not saying that a Pacific war is imminent or inevitable. That is not the case,” Kendall said. “But what I want to say is that this possibility is increasing and will continue to increase.”

Kendall pointed out that the US must be prepared for potential conflicts, listing the goals of the Air Force and Space Force’s efforts, including large-scale modernization.

“To prevent conflict, we must be prepared; to win in conflict, we must be prepared,” Kendall emphasized.

During his speech, Kendall also discussed the latest developments around the world. He mentioned that Iran’s failed attack on Israel in April was largely attributed to the defense provided by the US Air Force and Space Force, successfully limiting the scale of the conflict.

Regarding the Ukraine war, Kendall stated that after the conflict ends, Russia “will be weakened by years of war” but remains a threat in the region. Meanwhile, NATO will become stronger than now.

“NATO will become even stronger,” Kendall said, noting that since the start of the Ukraine conflict, many NATO countries have reached the target percentage of defense spending as a share of their GDP.

“We are also deepening our cooperation with European traditional allies,” he added.

Kendall assured the audience, “I promise you that during my time in office, I will work diligently to provide the resources needed for the Air Force to succeed, deter our adversaries, and achieve victory when necessary.”

The three-day Air, Space & Cyber Conference aims to facilitate the sharing of emerging technologies and assist in the development of the Air Force and space industry. This year’s theme focuses on how to gain decisive advantages in an era of increasing threats.