US AI Summit Focuses on National Security, Xiao Meiqin to Deliver TV Speech

A group of influential figures in Silicon Valley, including the leaders of Palantir Technologies and Sequoia Capital, as well as venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, will attend a summit in Washington this week to discuss the role of artificial intelligence in national security. Taiwan’s Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim is set to deliver a private video speech on the global risks posed by China’s influence at the event.

Hosted by the Hill and Valley Forum, the summit has been a secret gathering of tech and political decision-makers since last year, focusing on the impact of China-owned TikTok in the U.S. This year, it has expanded to become a major event in the U.S. defense technology sector, with five senators, House Speaker Mike Johnson, and the chairman of the House Artificial Intelligence Task Force, Jay Obernolte of California, all slated to attend.

The core agenda of the conference revolves around the escalating competition between the U.S. and China in areas such as artificial intelligence and space.

According to a speech transcript reviewed by Bloomberg, Taiwanese politician Hsiao Bi-khim will address a virtual audience of 400 with a pre-recorded video, discussing the risks posed by China.

Hsiao’s seven-minute video will touch on China’s authoritarian expansion, advocating for enhanced cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. in technology, defense, and manufacturing. She expressed regret over the U.S.’s industrial capabilities but commended its private sector innovation, proposing stronger collaboration between the two nations. She also expressed disappointment at not being able to attend the event in person.

Hsiao Bi-khim holds a prestigious position in Washington, having served as Taiwan’s de facto ambassador to the U.S. for many years before returning to the island to participate in democratic elections in January, ultimately winning the vice presidential position.

During her time in Washington, she frequently met with U.S. lawmakers and diplomats to advocate for Taiwan’s leading semiconductor industry and broader business cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S.

Perceived by the Chinese government as a supporter of Taiwan’s independence, she has faced sanctions from the Chinese government.

Hsiao’s speech at the Hill and Valley Forum comes amid tensions as the new Taiwan government prepares to take office in May, with Beijing viewing the new president as a “separatist” seeking to disrupt cross-strait relations. It remains unclear how China will react. During former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in 2022, China dispatched warplanes to harass and intimidate Taiwan, conducting military exercises around the island.

Other speakers at Wednesday’s forum include Palantir CEO Alex Karp, Sequoia Capital’s Roelof Botha, and representatives from major AI startups such as Anthropic and Scale AI. Topics include AI’s military applications, software’s role in the Ukraine-Russia conflict, and the impact of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a powerful type of AI that does not yet exist.

Forum organizer Jacob Helberg, a member of the US China Economic and Security Review Commission and an advisor to Palantir’s CEO, emphasized the importance of AI in national security, stating, “We are in competition with China, and AI is an arms race.”

He mocked doomsday AI proponents while underscoring the significance of national security, suggesting that Congress is focusing on AI security and various risks, which are worth considering but not as crucial as national security.

He said, “We are helping policymakers understand how to approach discussions on AI. After all, if you’re dead, or start speaking Chinese (indicating being defeated by the CCP), that’s the end of it all.”

As tensions escalate between the U.S. and China, the importance of AI continues to grow, highlighting Silicon Valley’s pivotal role in national affairs. Nonetheless, some remain concerned about the risks of using powerful technology during wartime and its ethical implications for humankind.

The Hill and Valley Forum caters to the trend of technology experts striving to bridge the gap with Washington. Companies like Space Exploration Technologies Corp., Palantir, and Anduril Industries Inc., have secured numerous government contracts under the banner of strengthening national defense.

Simultaneously, emerging defense tech investors like Andreessen Horowitz are increasingly lobbying Washington on behalf of their startups. In addition to Founders Fund, support for the Hill and Valley Forum activities has come from 137 Ventures, Caffeinated Capital, and startup company Hadrian Automation Inc.

Helberg praised recent legislation that would ban the use of the social media app TikTok in the U.S. unless Chinese owners relinquish control. He hopes this legislation about TikTok is the first milestone in a series established by “Team America.”

When he referred to “Team America,” he mentioned a bipartite alliance comprising tech experts, government officials, staff, and various experts with the goal of furthering the use of technology for national security.

(This article was adapted from reporting by Bloomberg.)