Two students in Xining die of deadly virus, insider reveals details

A month ago, a virus outbreak at a school in Xining led to the unfortunate infection and death of two junior high school students in a short period of time. The news was recently exposed and caused a sensation on the internet, with many netizens expressing shock and horror. An informed source revealed to Epoch Times that the school initially tried to cover up the news.

On July 3, the Huangzhong District Education Bureau and Health Bureau of Xining City, Qinghai Province, issued a notice stating that two classmates from the First Middle School of Huangzhong District had passed away within 22 days.

According to the official WeChat account of Huangzhong Media, the recent deaths of two students from the First Middle School of Huangzhong District due to illness have attracted attention. The notice provided details of the cases: Case 1: A 15-year-old student named Ma felt unwell after returning home on June 5th and passed away later that evening despite rescue efforts at the Women and Children’s Hospital of Qinghai Province. The time from onset of symptoms to death was only a few hours.

Case 2: Another 15-year-old student named Yan reportedly experienced chills upon returning home after school on the evening of June 25. The next day, Yan was pronounced dead after failed resuscitation attempts at the Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University.

Parents described how their children suddenly developed a fever at night accompanied by discomfort. By the next morning, their symptoms worsened rapidly, with the appearance of a rash on the body, leading to urgent transfer to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for treatment.

The swift development and serious consequences of this incident have shocked and saddened everyone. The school involved in the situation allegedly concealed the truth when faced with this emergency.

According to parents, the school did not immediately inform all parents when they learned that students were infected with the virus and had died.

A local resident informed Epoch Times that both students were in the second year of junior high school. When the first student passed away, the school suppressed the news, leaving some people unaware. “Although the First Middle School is the best school in the local area, once something happens, it will be suppressed,” the resident said. He believed that if the school had taken immediate action, the second student might not have died.

He further mentioned, “Other classes are still in session now. Although the news said the Education Bureau decided to suspend classes, in fact, they have not. There is only one week left before the summer vacation, and it is unclear whether classes will be suspended. Students in the area are currently afraid to wander around freely.”

Another informant told Epoch Times that both deceased students were boys. He knew the student who passed away on June 22, describing him as a lively child. “A perfectly fine child is no longer with us, and everyone is deeply saddened.”

The informant disclosed that after a student’s death on June 5, the school claimed it was due to food poisoning and tried to cover up the matter, allowing that class to take two days off. The second student’s death was exposed by parents, causing the situation to spiral out of control. Currently, the class where the deceased students belonged has suspended classes, while others continue as usual.

Netizens have expressed dissatisfaction and anger towards the school’s behavior. They believe that the school’s concealment and delay not only show irresponsibility towards students and parents but also towards society.

Netizens also pointed out that this incident exposed serious issues in the school’s emergency management and infectious disease prevention and control.

In addition, the official report stated that both cases were diagnosed with epidemic meningitis, classified as a category B infectious disease.

Some netizens questioned in the comments, whether it was related to the novel coronavirus?