Tuvalese Parliament Speaker and Spouse to Visit Taiwan for 5 Days, Will Meet with Lai Ching-te

The Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of China (Taiwan) was invited by the Taiwan government to visit Taiwan from the 10th to the 14th of this month. He will be meeting with President Lai Ching-te.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) sincerely welcomed the visit of the Speaker of the Parliament of Tuvalu and his delegation to Taiwan. The members of the delegation include Hon. Ampelosa Manoa Tehulu, Minister of Public Works, Infrastructure Development, and Water Resources, and Hon. Namoliki Sualiki Neemia, a member of the parliament.

This visit of Speaker Italeli is his first visit to Taiwan since taking office, which is expected to enhance parliamentary exchanges between Taiwan and Tuvalu, deepening the solid friendship between the two countries. The delegation arrived in Taiwan on the morning of the 10th, and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Cindy K.Y. Tseng welcomed them on behalf of the government.

During their visit, the delegation will meet with President Lai Ching-te, visit the President of the Legislative Yuan, Han Kuo-yu, attend a welcome reception hosted by Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu, and be entertained at a banquet hosted by Deputy Minister Cindy Tseng. As the visit coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival in Taiwan, cultural activities related to the festival will also be arranged for Speaker Italeli and his delegation.

Speaker Han Kuo-yu of the Legislative Yuan met with the delegation of eight people from Tuvalu led by Speaker Italeli on the afternoon of the 10th. Han expressed a warm welcome to Speaker Italeli and his delegation, highlighting the long-standing diplomatic alliance between Taiwan and Tuvalu, emphasizing the close cooperation in various fields such as healthcare, technology, education, and fisheries.

Speaker Italeli emphasized the close bilateral cooperation between Tuvalu and Taiwan, expressing gratitude for Taiwan’s generous support in building the first modern parliament building in Tuvalu. He mentioned that the members of the delegation, Minister Tehulu, MP Neemia, Assistant Minister Pisi Seleganiu, and himself, are all members of the Parliament Building Construction Committee, responsible for ensuring the smooth completion of the construction project.

Speaker Italeli stated that Tuvalu looks forward to actively developing cooperation with Taiwan and will continue to support Taiwan’s participation in international organizations. He believes that no country should be excluded from the international community, and the international community also needs Taiwan’s contributions. He sincerely thanked Taiwan for the warm reception and expressed confidence that the visit would yield fruitful results, hoping for the enduring friendship between the two countries and blessing Taiwan and Tuvalu.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan stated that Taiwan and Tuvalu have a close and friendly relationship, sharing universal values such as democracy, freedom, and human rights. The two countries have long collaborated closely in areas such as climate change adaptation, information and communications technology, healthcare, infrastructure, and women’s empowerment. Speaker Italeli’s visit will deepen discussions on these issues, further strengthening the partnership between Taiwan and Tuvalu.