Tsinghua University and Peking University Graduates Join County-level High Schools, Sparking Discussion.

With the ongoing slump in the Chinese economy, it is becoming increasingly difficult for university students to find employment, with the norm being graduation leading straight to unemployment. Recently, the news of graduates from prestigious universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University securing positions at secondary schools in Shengzhou, Zhejiang Province, has sparked heated discussions.

In August this year, a public recruitment announcement issued by the Shaoxing Shengzhou City Education Bureau revealed that the candidates being considered for teacher positions all hailed from top-ranked universities across the country.

Graduates from universities like Tsinghua University (one master’s degree), Peking University (one master’s and one bachelor’s degree), Zhejiang University (one master’s and one bachelor’s degree), Renmin University of China (one bachelor’s degree), Xi’an Jiaotong University (one bachelor’s degree), Xiamen University (one doctoral degree and one master’s degree), and Jilin University (one doctoral degree) are set to join several county-level secondary schools in the city.

On October 22, the personnel department of the Shengzhou City Education Bureau confirmed that three graduates from Tsinghua and Peking University have already commenced their positions.

According to the information in the list, undergraduate and master’s graduates from Tsinghua and Peking University (excluding those from Tsinghua and Peking) will receive a housing subsidy of 500,000 RMB, with an additional 50,000 RMB settling-in allowance for master’s graduates, along with an annual talent incentive ranging from 150,000 to 200,000 RMB.

PhD graduates from Tsinghua and Peking University (both from undergraduate and master’s levels, requiring them to be from world-class university construction universities or original 985 Project universities) will receive a housing subsidy of 1.05 million RMB, with a talent incentive of 250,000 to 300,000 RMB annually.

On October 21, personnel department staff at the Shengzhou City Education and Sports Bureau informed a Haibao News reporter that the talent incentives can be received for up to 5 years.

This announcement immediately sparked discussions on social media platforms.

Founder of Zhi Xin Youth, a popular Weibo account “Geng Xiangshun” commented, “Nowadays, the depreciation of academic qualifications is severe, and the benefits that can be derived from them are diminishing, particularly for graduates in humanities and social sciences. Even for graduates with master’s and doctoral degrees from prestigious universities like Tsinghua and Peking, having a stable job in the local system and receiving a substantial settlement subsidy and talent introduction allowance is already a very good option. In a few years, even if one graduates with a PhD from a 985 Project university, there is no guarantee of receiving a generous settlement subsidy and talent introduction allowance when moving to a small city.”

Real estate blogger and popular Weibo user “Cai Honggu” remarked, “Given the current job market environment, this choice seems quite favorable. It’s better to have highly intelligent individuals teaching and educating rather than having them compete fiercely for limited opportunities.”

Weibo influencer “Yu Ge cb” added, “The compatibility of higher education qualifications with lower-level positions is inevitable. While those with higher education have more options, what about undergraduate and college students?”

Economic blogger and Weibo influencer “Wanliu Xiaojueye” explained, “The housing subsidy is not cash but rather equivalent to a discount on housing. In a small county like Shengzhou, where housing prices are high and not many outsiders come to buy, importing a talent from another place and providing them with a housing subsidy is like helping them purchase a house. However, the housing subsidy can’t be used for any kind of property; often, it is for properties that the government wants you to buy, which will contribute to the land finance profits.”

A full-time lawyer and Weibo influencer “Wu Xiangdong Lawyer” cautioned, “If you are genuinely attracted by this opportunity, pay attention to the specifics of the housing subsidy, the actual implementation timeline, and don’t let flashy promises deceive you.”