Trump and Harris Clash in Fiery Debate Over China Policy in U.S. Presidential Debate

On Tuesday night, during the presidential debate for the upcoming election, the Republican candidate Trump and the Democratic candidate Harris fiercely clashed over the United States’ policies towards the Chinese Communist Party, becoming a major focus of the debate.

Trump stated that if re-elected, he would impose tariffs of 10% to 20% on products from various countries and impose tariffs of 60% to 100% on all products imported from China.

When asked whether the U.S. can afford his proposed tariff plan, Trump said, “Other countries will finally pay for what we have done for the world over 75 years. The tariff amounts will be substantial.” He reiterated that China is paying billions of dollars in tariffs, with his government collecting “tens of billions” in tariffs from China.

Trump also pointed out that the Biden administration has continued most of the tariff measures against China that were implemented during his presidency. “They never canceled the tariffs because the amounts are substantial. They also can’t cancel them because it could destroy everything they have planned to do.”

Regarding the argument that most of the costs of tariffs are borne by American consumers, Trump responded that prices in the U.S. would not rise due to tariffs, but rather countries like China and others who have been “extorting us for years” would face consequences.

Harris accused the Trump administration of being too soft on the Chinese Communist Party. She said, “Let’s be clear, the Trump administration has led to trade deficits or the largest trade deficit in U.S. history.” She also stated that Trump had “started a trade war.”

She criticized Trump, saying, “He basically sold us out. The policy towards China should ensure that America wins in the competition of the 21st century, but Trump ended up selling American chips to China, helping them enhance their military modernization.”

The Biden administration has repeatedly questioned that China may use advanced technologies such as American AI chips and quantum computers to strengthen its military capabilities, posing a threat to U.S. security. Therefore, the Biden administration has implemented export controls on China in these areas and imposed higher tariffs on specific Chinese products, such as imposing 100% tariffs on Chinese-made electric cars and 50% tariffs on Chinese solar panels. This approach aims to protect the domestic manufacturing industry without causing wider economic impacts.

Trump countered, “They (China) buy chips from Taiwan. We hardly manufacture chips anymore because there are ideologies and policies like theirs (far-left) behind it.” He further stated that he used the term “they” instead of “she” because Harris does not have her own policies.

Analysts believe that Harris would continue the policies of the Biden administration, utilizing diplomatic means to continue communication with China and managing conflicts.

Harris also criticized Trump for not protecting America’s interests during his term. She said that U.S. policies towards China should focus on ensuring America wins the competition of the 21st century, “This requires a focus on our relationships with allies, investing in domestic tech, so that we win the competition, focusing on artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and what our workforce needs to support them.” “This is how America can succeed in the fields of artificial intelligence and quantum computing.”

Furthermore, Harris also criticized Trump for not holding the Chinese government accountable for deliberately covering up the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. She said, “He (Trump) actually thanked Xi Jinping for what he did during the COVID-19 pandemic… Look at his tweets, he said ‘Thank you, Chairman Xi,’ with an exclamation mark.”

Trump criticized the Biden administration as “weak and incompetent”. He emphasized his relationship with leaders of authoritarian countries and stated that China, North Korea, and Russia are “afraid” of him.

Harris responded, “These dictators and authoritarian leaders support you for re-election, because obviously they can manipulate you with flattery and favors.”