The Secretary of the Psychology Department at Beijing Normal University has signed an extramarital relationship agreement with a female subordinate.

A “Commitment Letter to Establish a Permanent Intimate Relationship with Wang” bearing the seal of the “Chinese Communist Party Committee of Beijing Normal University’s School of Psychology” has been circulating online, drawing attention. The individuals involved include the Party Secretary of the School of Psychology at Beijing Normal University.

On October 25, a “Commitment Letter to Establish a Permanent Intimate Relationship with Wang” began circulating on the internet.

According to the commitment letter, based on the principle of “mutual consent, without disrupting the family,” Joe promises the following to Wang: 1. To love only Wang in this lifetime, without seeking new lovers or partners; 2. To provide intimate funds of no less than 30,000 yuan each year, with an annual growth rate not lower than 10%; 3. Wang has the freedom to allocate work expenses; 4. To ensure completion of a Ph.D. within 1-2 years; 5. To provide support in articles, topics, awards, ensuring the evaluation of an associate professor title within 3-4 years…

At the end of the commitment letter is a seal from the “Chinese Communist Party Committee of Beijing Normal University’s School of Psychology,” along with the handwritten signature of Joe.

A search on the official website of Beijing Normal University reveals two staff members named Wang and Joe. Joe is a male professor and the current Party Secretary of the School of Psychology. Wang is a female researcher who previously served as the Deputy Party Secretary of the School of Psychology and currently works at a certain department of the university’s research institute.

An announcement on the website from July 2022 regarding the “Appointment and Dismissal Announcement Assembly of Cadres in the School of Psychology” shows that the female researcher with the surname Wang was relieved of her position as Deputy Party Secretary of the School of Psychology. In her statement, she mentioned that Joe is her direct supervisor. Subsequently, there have been no updates on the website regarding the female researcher with the surname Wang.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reported that on the 25th, inquiries were made to the President’s Office of Beijing Normal University regarding the matter, and the staff indicated a need to consult the Publicity Department. Despite multiple attempts to contact the Publicity Department, no one answered. Subsequent calls to the School of Psychology at Beijing Normal University led to the staff stating that they had reported the incident to the police. When asked for further details, the staff member mentioned being in a meeting and hung up the phone.

Red Star News reported that numerous calls to Joe’s public phone went unanswered. Wang responded by saying that she was aware of the situation and had already reported it to the authorities.

Teachers responsible for administrative affairs and faculty development at the School of Psychology at Beijing Normal University mentioned that this matter had been forwarded to the college’s Party Affairs Office for handling.

This incident has sparked heated discussions among netizens:

“They even stamped the college’s seal on it, this management system is truly beyond belief.”

“The language used by intellectuals is truly different.”