The riper the banana, the more nutritious: Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture offers tips to extend shelf life.

Taiwan is one of the major banana producing regions, and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of China posted on Facebook that the more ripe a banana is, the higher its nutritional value. To extend the shelf life of bananas, you can wrap them in plastic wrap and place them in the vegetable and fruit compartment of the refrigerator.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of China shared on Facebook that bananas, nutritious and delicious, do you know how to choose them? Many people love bananas but are not sure how to select the best ones. The Ministry of Agriculture offers some tips on picking the perfect bananas:

1. Choose bananas with even color and no large areas of rubbing or bruising.

2. Select bananas that are physiologically mature with fewer spots, as these bananas have a longer storage life.

3. Bananas at different ripeness levels have varying nutritional values. Green bananas are high in starch and can be used for cooking due to their satiating properties, although they are not recommended for raw consumption.

4. The riper the banana, the higher its nutritional value.

Do you prefer soft or firm bananas? Some like them soft while others prefer them firm. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of China provides a tip for preserving bananas: to extend their shelf life, wrap ripe bananas in plastic wrap and store them in the refrigerator’s vegetable and fruit compartment, which can help maintain the color and flavor for about a week without the skin turning black.

Responsibility Editor: Ye Ziwei