Tennessee Passes Law Allowing Teachers to Carry Weapons on School Campuses

The Tennessee House of Representatives in the United States passed a bill on Tuesday (April 23) allowing certain teachers and school staff to carry concealed firearms in public schools, while prohibiting disclosure of who is carrying firearms to parents and other teachers, with only school administrators and police being informed.

In the Republican-controlled Tennessee House, the bill was passed with 68 votes in favor and 28 votes against, and it will now be sent to Republican Governor Bill Lee for consideration. If Governor Lee signs the bill into law, it would be the most significant expansion of gun rights in the state since a fatal shooting at a private school in Nashville last year.

Four Republican members of the House and all Democratic members opposed the bill, which had previously been passed by the state Senate.

The bill prohibits anyone other than school administrators and police from revealing which staff members are carrying firearms, including to parents and even other teachers. Employees carrying firearms must have approval from the principal, the school district, and law enforcement.

The legislation requires staff members who wish to carry handguns to have a handgun carry permit and written authorization from the school principal and local law enforcement. Carriers must also undergo a background check and complete 40 hours of handgun training, and they are prohibited from carrying firearms during school activities in venues such as sports fields, gymnasiums, or auditoriums.

It is believed that Governor Lee is unlikely to veto the proposal as he has not previously voiced opposition to it. Even if he were to veto the bill, legislators would only need a simple majority in both chambers to overturn his veto.

The initiator of the bill, Republican State Representative Ryan Williams, was quoted by Politico as saying before the vote, “What you’re doing is creating a deterrent. We face challenges of shootings throughout our entire state.”

Republicans rejected a series of Democratic amendments, including requirements for parental consent, notifications when someone is carrying a firearm, and holding school districts liable for any harm, damage, or deaths caused by armed school staff.

According to the gun control advocacy group Giffords Law Center, approximately half of the states in the United States allow teachers or other staff with concealed carry permits to carry firearms on school campuses in some form.

Last week, the Governor of Iowa signed a bill that provides trained school staff with professional permits to carry firearms in schools, protecting them from criminal or civil liability when using reasonable force.

In March 2023, a gunman opened fire at a Christian school in Nashville – The Covenant School – killing three children and three adults before being killed by police.