MAC warns of increased travel risks to Hong Kong and Macau as Taiwanese in Hong Kong stopped and searched by police

Attention, travelers! Recent incidents in Hong Kong have seen Taiwanese citizens subjected to police checks on the streets and in the subway. Authorities are requesting identification and inspecting personal belongings. The Mainland Affairs Council advises all travelers to be vigilant about the situation in Hong Kong and Macau, carrying essential documents such as passports and Hong Kong visas to avoid any legal violations. In case of emergencies, contact the Mainland Affairs Council’s offices in Hong Kong or Macau for assistance. Additionally, consider registering your details in the ‘Taiwanese Travelers to Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau Dynamic Registration System’ before your trip.

To enhance safety, the Mainland Affairs Council has established an ‘Emergency Service Information and Travel Advisory Section’ on its official website. Be aware that regulations regarding items allowed for entry and exit differ in Hong Kong and Macau, so avoid prohibited items like gas sprays, stun guns, and expandable batons.

Given the implementation of the ‘National Security Law’ and the ‘Hong Kong version of the National Security Law,’ risks have escalated for travelers to Hong Kong and Macau. The Mainland Affairs Council continues to monitor law enforcement situations and provides relevant case information on its website. Exercise caution and stay informed. Before your trip, visit the Mainland Affairs Council’s website and register your details in the dynamic system for timely government assistance (

The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) points out that the Hong Kong and Macau offices have 24-hour emergency contact numbers; if Taiwanese nationals, Taiwanese businesspeople, or Taiwanese compatriots encounter problems in Hong Kong, they can call the MAC Hong Kong Office (located in Taipei Economic and Cultural Office) emergency assistance hotline at (852-61439012); if Taiwanese nationals, Taiwanese businesspeople, or Taiwanese compatriots encounter problems in Macau, they can call the MAC Macau Office (located in Taipei Economic and Cultural Office) emergency assistance hotline at (853-66872557).