Taiwanese Flavored Dumplings Expand into Europe, Chi Mei Poland Factory to Start Production in August

“Epoch Times, August 30, 2024 News:

Taiwanese flavor dumplings are making their way into the European market, as the Taiwan External Trade Development Council stated that the cooked dumpling production line established in collaboration with a major Polish factory produced around 25 million dumplings per month starting in August of this year. Recognizing the high consumption and high unit price characteristics of the European market, the Trade Council will continue to assist businesses in expanding overseas markets.

The Trade Council announced today (August 29) through a press release that Chi Mei Foods has partnered with the Polish meat products giant SuperDrob to set up a factory in the central Polish city of Łódź, primarily focusing on producing cooked dumplings. The army of Chi Mei dumplings officially enters the European continent, with a production capacity of approximately 25 million dumplings per month.

Chairman Huang Zhi Fang of the Trade Council stated that in addition to semiconductors, Taiwan also sees great potential for food products in the Central and Eastern European markets. The European market has the characteristics of ‘high consumption, high unit price’. For example, a cup of Taiwanese bubble tea in the center of Warsaw is priced at around NT$240, which sells very well, proving that the European market accepts high-end Taiwanese beverages and food products.

Huang Zhi Fang expressed that Chi Mei Foods is the best example of Taiwanese food entering the European market, and the Trade Council will continue to cooperate with food and franchise operators to assist Taiwanese businesses in their overseas expansion, showcasing Taiwan’s ‘soft power’ internationally.

Chairman Sung Guang-fu of Chi Mei Foods stated that this is Chi Mei Foods’ first important production base established in Europe and a significant milestone in selling meat products in the European market. After multiple tests and adjustments to adapt to local characteristics, the production line now meets European production standards. The establishment of this stronghold will greatly enhance Chi Mei Foods’ competitiveness and market share in Europe.

After selecting Poland as the production base, Sung Guang-fu personally led the R&D and marketing teams to discuss with partners the preferences of European dumpling market consumers, production ingredients, marketing promotions, sales channels, and other aspects. Some food products were tested at the ‘Double Ten National Day Celebration’ held at the Taiwan Representative Office in Poland last year and at the Taiwan Week organized by the Trade Council.

The Trade Council stated that they collaborated with Chi Mei again this year to showcase the deliciousness at the European Taiwan Image Exhibition held in Berlin in June. Using Chi Mei’s dumplings, buns, and pineapple cakes to attract European consumers, promoting Taiwanese culinary culture.”