Taiwanese-American Group Urges U.S. to Take Sun Wen’s Case as a Warning and Thoroughly Investigate Chinese Communist Spies

Taiwanese American civic organization, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), strongly condemned the Chinese Communist Party’s infiltration and espionage activities within the United States government on Friday (September 6), urging federal and state governments to thoroughly investigate the CCP’s influence operations and take decisive actions to prevent further infiltration.

Earlier this week, former New York State Governor’s aide, Wen Sun, was arrested on charges of acting as an illegal agent for the Chinese Communist Party. According to the prosecutor’s indictment, Wen Sun repeatedly obstructed the development of US-Taiwan relations and engaged in various political activities at the request of Chinese government officials and CCP representatives to promote CCP interests.

The specific charges against her include: obstructing Taiwan government representatives from contacting the New York Governor’s office, altering the New York Governor’s statements on China and the CCP’s important issues, obtaining unauthorized New York Governor’s commendations for Chinese government representatives, attempting to facilitate the New York Governor’s visit to China, arranging meetings between visiting delegations from the Chinese government and New York State officials, and preventing FAPA from obtaining the proclamation for “Taiwanese American Heritage Week” issued by the New York State government.

FAPA stated in a press release that Wen Sun’s case exemplifies the Chinese United Front Work Department’s (UFWD) broader long-term strategy, which has covertly influenced the American political system to weaken and oppose support for Taiwan.

The organization emphasized that the UFWD’s mission is to enlist influential individuals and organizations in foreign countries, including the United States. They pointed out that Wen Sun’s activities have directly impeded efforts to promote US-Taiwan relations, including FAPA’s longstanding efforts to obtain the proclamation for “Taiwanese American Heritage Week.”

FAPA has been advocating for Taiwan in various states across the United States. For over twenty years, FAPA and its 44 chapters nationwide have been working tirelessly to secure TAHW proclamations from various states, acknowledging the contributions of Taiwanese Americans to American society’s diversity and prosperity.

Despite New York being one of the states with a significant population of Taiwanese Americans and Taiwanese expatriates, the state has consistently rejected FAPA’s requests. FAPA pointed out that Wen Sun’s actions as a PRC (CCP) foreign agent directly undermined their advocacy efforts and negatively impacted the representation of Taiwanese Americans in New York.

The organization warned that the influence of the CCP’s UFWD on various states in the United States is particularly critical for national security. Local governments often lack resources to detect and counter complex foreign influence operations.

“This makes them vulnerable to manipulation by the CCP… This infiltration allows the CCP to spread false information, manipulate public opinion, and suppress democratic values under the guise of cultural or diplomatic exchanges,” FAPA highlighted.

FAPA urged elected officials across the United States to condemn CCP’s infiltration attempts. It stressed the importance of distinguishing between genuine national security threats posed by the CCP and anti-Asian hatred. The organization emphasized that being concerned about anti-Asian hatred should not blind people to the activities of the CCP, calling it “naïve and dangerous.” American leaders must take a firm stance against CCP’s infiltration activities and recognize that defending democratic values and national security is of utmost importance.

FAPA President, Sumay Lin, stated that the accusations against Wen Sun reveal that the Chinese government has been able to influence and manipulate the highest levels of the New York State government for years, illegally advancing CCP’s interests while obstructing US-Taiwan relations.

She remarked, “Wen Sun’s nearly fifteen-year employment with the New York State government is a shocking security lapse and not an isolated case.” Lin emphasized that China (CCP) has been dispatching and recruiting spies not just in New York or the United States but globally. She praised the court’s initial steps in holding accountable those attempting to undermine democratic values.

“However, officials at all levels, including state and local authorities, must take concrete actions to actively investigate, prevent, and counter the United Front Work Department’s political infiltration activities and the spying activities of Chinese embassies and operatives abroad,” she added.

According to the indictment, Wen Sun was born in Nanjing, moved to the United States with her parents at the age of five, and is fluent in Chinese. In 2009, she was hired as the Chief of Staff for then-New York State Assemblyman John Meng (now a US Congressman), and she joined the New York State government under Governor Cuomo in 2012. She held various positions, including as Director for Asian Affairs under the New York Governor, Global Trade Manager and External Affairs Director at the Empire State Development, Deputy Director for Diversity Affairs, as well as Assistant Treasurer General and Director for Diversity Affairs in the New York State Treasury.

When Hochul succeeded as governor in 2021, Wen Sun was appointed as his Deputy Chief of Staff. In September 2022, she assumed the role of Deputy Commissioner for Strategic Business Development in the New York State Department of Labor, her highest position in 14 years of government service, before resigning in March 2023. Hochul’s office spokesperson stated that she was dismissed from the position after evidence of her misconduct was discovered.

Wen Sun was arrested on Tuesday this week, facing charges of violating the “Foreign Agents Registration Act,” acting on behalf of the CCP, as well as visa fraud, conspiracy to smuggle foreign nationals, and money laundering.