Taiwan Weekly Weather Forecast: Watch out for Brief Showers, Bring Umbrella

The Taiwan Central Weather Bureau released the weather forecast for the week starting from June 28th to July 4th. On the 28th, various areas will experience partly cloudy to clear skies. In the afternoon, there will be isolated brief thunderstorms in the northern and northeastern parts as well as in the eastern areas and other mountainous regions, with a chance of localized heavy rain. The southeastern region and the Hengchun Peninsula may encounter scattered brief showers or thunderstorms.

From the 28th to the 1st of July, the southwest wind will affect the central and southern areas, where there may be isolated brief showers or thunderstorms. Other regions will be mostly cloudy to clear, with localized brief thunderstorms in the afternoon in the northern and northeastern parts as well as in the eastern areas and other mountainous regions, with a possibility of localized heavy rain. On the 29th and 30th, there is a probability of more significant showers in the southern part.

From the 2nd to the 4th of July, most areas will see partly cloudy to clear skies, with scattered brief showers in the southeastern region and the Hengchun Peninsula. In the afternoon, the western parts and other mountainous areas may experience isolated brief thunderstorms.

On the 30th and 1st of July, there is a chance of heat convection in the southeastern region, so please stay alert.

Taiwan Weather Forecast:

– Taipei City:
– June 28: Clear, brief thunderstorms in the afternoon, 28 to 36 degrees Celsius.
[Please note that the translation is truncated for brevity, and similar details should follow for other regions as well. Make sure to properly format and present the weather forecast for each region consistently.]