Taiwan Relations Act 45th Anniversary Symposium Held by New York Econ Ministry and Think Tank

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, together with the National Committee on American Foreign Policy (NCAFP), held a seminar on “The Enduring Taiwan-U.S. Partnership: Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act” on April 22nd. Approximately 80 attendees from the New York diplomatic corps, academia, and both local and international media journalists participated in the event and engaged in lively discussions.

The 45th Annual Seminar on the Taiwan Relations Act was hosted by Susan Thornton, Director of the NCAFP’s Asia Security Forum. The panel discussion featured Raymond Burghardt, President of the Pacific Century Institute, and Danny Russel, Vice President of Policy at the Asia Society.

During his speech, Director General Li Kuan-chang expressed that maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is one of the most complex challenges in the Indo-Pacific region. He emphasized that over the past 45 years, this challenge has been effectively managed, with the Taiwan Relations Act serving as a cornerstone in the enduring partnership between Taiwan and the United States. The commitment of the U.S. to this Act has paved the way for the comprehensive, sustainable, and mutually beneficial development of the Taiwan-U.S. relationship.

Li Kuan-chang highlighted that the Taiwan Relations Act has not only served as a stabilizing force for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait but has also facilitated various exchanges between Taiwan and the U.S. in fields such as commerce and culture. He expressed gratitude for the recent passage of legislation by the U.S. Congress in support of Taiwan and reiterated Taiwan’s eagerness to continue close collaboration with the U.S., fostering a rock-solid partnership between the two countries.

Ambassador Susan Elliott, President of the NCAFP, first extended condolences to Taiwan following the recent earthquake and shared that the organization has long been involved in facilitating cross-strait talks to promote peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. She commended the enduring development of the Taiwan-U.S. partnership under the framework of the Taiwan Relations Act and expressed hope for future collaboration between the two countries in contributing to global peace and stability.

All the speakers at the seminar previously held key positions within the U.S. State Department and had witnessed the legislation and implementation of the Taiwan Relations Act. Drawing from their diplomatic experiences, they highlighted the importance of this Act in maintaining the close partnership between Taiwan and the U.S.

Danny Russel, Vice President of Policy at the Asia Society, pointed out the visible and close cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S., citing the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) as an example. He praised the framework for expanding Taiwan-U.S. relations from bilateral cooperation to multilateral engagement, enabling Taiwan to make significant and meaningful contributions on the international stage. He also lauded Taiwan for its continued resilience, including its robust democracy, active civil society, and advancements in modern and innovative high-tech economic development.

Raymond Burghardt, President of the Pacific Century Institute, noted that 45 years ago, the Taiwan Relations Act was enacted with strong support from the U.S. Congress, laying the foundation for the flourishing relationship between Taiwan and the U.S. Today, this relationship has expanded into various fields such as security, trade, and more. He believed that the achievements of the close Taiwan-U.S. partnership serve as a valuable example for other countries.

Established in New York City in 1974, the NCAFP provides bipartisan analysis and evaluation of international issues, focusing on the challenges faced by the U.S. in foreign policy. Its members include retired U.S. diplomats and leaders from the business, government, and academic sectors. The video content of the seminar will be uploaded to the YouTube channel of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York and the official website of the NCAFP for public viewing.