Sweden has 103 CCP United Front organizations, experts discuss countermeasures.

Swedish media has revealed a list of 233 individuals across Europe who have contacts with the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front Work Department. Additionally, a think tank disclosed that Sweden alone has at least 103 organizations affiliated with the CCP’s United Front system. Experts indicate that the CCP’s longstanding strategy of united front work in Europe has become more apparent in recent years, highlighting the importance of awakening governments and cultivating people’s awareness as a key measure to counteract this influence.

On October 4th, the Jamestown Foundation, based in Washington D.C., released a report exposing that there are at least 103 organizations in Sweden affiliated with the CCP’s United Front system, spanning across areas such as culture, business, politics, and education within Sweden.

The report mentioned that on October 1st, a Swedish journalist working as a member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists reported on a leaked list showing 233 individuals across Europe who have ties to the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front system, revealing the extent of the CCP’s influence overseas.

This report originated from Kalla Fakta, a well-known investigative program on one of Sweden’s largest television stations, TV4. Among the 233 individuals listed in this report across Europe, 17 are in Sweden. It is believed that these are just a small portion of Swedish individuals and organizations connected to the CCP’s United Front system.

Sweden was the first Western country to establish diplomatic relations with Beijing after the CCP took power and also the first country to sign a bilateral investment protection agreement with Beijing following the CCP’s “reform and opening up” policies. However, Sweden’s attitude towards the CCP has been evolving. In April of this year, the Swedish government expelled a Chinese female journalist, Chen Xuefei, accusing her of posing a threat to national security.

Zeng Yishuo, deputy researcher at the Taiwan Institute of National Defense and Security, told Epoch Times that the CCP’s united front work in Europe has a long history. Whether through economic, trade, cultural exchanges, or collaboration in schools and laboratories, the CCP’s influence has been significant; especially among civilian organizations and associations, they have been active for decades.

Regarding the serious infiltration of Sweden, Zeng Yishuo stated that in recent years, China-Sweden relations have deteriorated as the CCP practices wolf warrior diplomacy, frequently criticizing or interfering with Europe or Sweden, causing resentment. In addition to Russia’s incursion into Ukraine, Sweden has abandoned its neutral stance and is now considering joining NATO, prompting the CCP to intensify its united front efforts in this regard.

“I want to emphasize that these organizations have been established and cultivated over the past few decades. It may not necessarily be in response to Sweden’s intention to join NATO,” Zeng Yishuo added.

Zeng Yishuo explained that the CCP’s united front work is comprehensive and not limited to influencing democratic countries like Sweden. Even among Chinese private enterprises on the mainland, the CCP aims to exert influence; while overseas, democratic nations are their targets, including a significant number of Chinese immigrants, who the CCP believes should be controlled.

“The united front and intelligence work can complement each other. By means of cultural exchanges, academic cooperation, and economic activities, they conduct united front activities to advance intelligence and other infiltration efforts,” Zeng Yishuo said.

Investigative journalist Emil Hellerud from Kalla Fakta revealed that the program team has communicated with the Swedish Minister of Justice and Minister of Education, and they “attach great importance to this matter.”

Gregory Gong, deputy researcher at the Taiwan Institute of National Defense and Security, told Epoch Times that Nordic countries are often at the forefront of human rights advocacy and have long been concerned about Chinese human rights issues, holding high influence in the European Union’s discourse. However, rumors have persisted that these countries have been continuously infiltrated by the CCP, and it is only in recent years, amidst the expanding competition between China and the US, that these nations have started taking serious action.
