Surprise Brought to Elderly Parents by Eight Siblings Evokes Childhood Memories.

Eight siblings brought an adult sleepover to their parents, creating a night of childhood memories. They played games, watched movies, and engaged in other entertainment activities.

Cody Andrew and his seven siblings – Teresa, 57; Chad, 55; Chris, 53; Bobbi, 50; Danny, 48; and Heidi, 40 – are fortunate to live near their parents. Their parents, John Andrew, 82, a retired company vice president, and Luedeen Andrew, 80, a former full-time mom.

The idea for the surprise sleepover was sparked by a joke their matriarch, Luedeen Andrew, had once made.

“My mom loves going out and playing with the kids,” said Cody Andrew, a marketing professional, adding that his mom had expressed a desire for a day trip with all her children.

Upon hearing this, Cody’s wife, Kristin Andrew, suggested organizing a surprise overnight stay for their siblings, knowing their mother would love it.

After Cody Andrew shared the idea with his siblings, they all jumped on board.

Setting a date for the overnight stay wasn’t easy. Most of the siblings live in Centerville, Utah, with one residing four hours away. It took weeks to settle on a suitable date.

After finalizing their plans, the siblings embarked on their surprise overnight activity. On March 13, they parked their cars near their parents’ home secretly.

Cody Andrew told his parents he was dropping off some food for them.

Kristin Andrew discreetly brought a camera to the house to capture the process, careful not to be seen by her in-laws.

Then, a procession of siblings arrived at the parents’ house with sleeping bags.

“My mom was first caught off guard,” Cody Andrew said. “Then she was shocked, and then she was very excited.”

John Andrew quickly grasped what was happening and invited the siblings inside.

They enjoyed takeout dinner from their parents’ favorite Chinese restaurant and engaged in indoor games such as Farkle and Truth or Dare, kicking off a night of laughter.

Despite the elderly parents’ health issues, they were full of energy that night. After playing some games, the siblings shared childhood stories. While watching the movie “Top Gun” and eating popcorn, Cody Andrew’s sisters styled their mother’s hair, an activity Luedeen Andrew had always enjoyed.

Around 11:30 p.m., everyone was still wide awake as they gathered on the beds, reminiscing about the past. Eventually, their parents fell asleep in their bedroom, while the siblings moved to the family room, chatting into the early hours.

“You can see this newfound excitement … the all-nighter,” Cody Andrew said. “It turned out to be a real surprise.”

Cody Andrew expected his parents to be tired the next morning, but he was mistaken.

“They were chipper,” he said. “They were excited.”

The family enjoyed breakfast, including donuts and chocolate milk.

The joy continued for days as John Andrews shared the details of the surprise overnight with everyone he encountered.

For Cody Andrew, the overnight stay was bittersweet. While the siblings shared memories and enjoyed each other’s company, they also lamented the limited time they had left with their parents.

Following the overnight stay, Cody Andrew decided to share the video on social media. The video has now garnered over 2 million views.

“The response has been huge,” he said. “All the responses have been positive.”

“You might not realize what this means to your parents,” a social media user commented. “This will be one of the fondest memories cherished by the siblings. I lost both my parents before I turned 40. I miss them dearly. I wish I had something like this to remember them by. Your family is truly fortunate.”

Other social media users expressed similar sentiments, with many parents expressing a desire for their children to do the same for them.

As a content creator, Cody Andrew is satisfied with the responses, particularly because he aimed to create feel-good content.

“We like going out and playing with each other.”

Though the Andrews family rarely gathers together, Cody Andrew usually sees his parents two to three times a week.

Due to most siblings living in the same area, they enjoy leisurely weekends at parks or by the poolside.

“We are lucky we all stick together,” Cody Andrew said.

By sharing his touching story, Cody Andrew hopes to emphasize the importance of family bonds and connections.

“I think it’s a somewhat creative, unique thing to spend time with your parents or your own kids. If you find the opportunity, seize it,” he said. “Give your parents a surprise.”

Watch the video:

(Provided by Cody Andrew)