Suppressing, Plundering and Oppressing under the Guise of Maintaining Stability: Three Withdrawals from the CCP Members Say the Chinese Communist Party is the Source of Chaos.

Henan Province’s Luoyang residents are living in peace: “In 2013, their private homes were forcibly demolished by the local government. In 2018, after petitioning and exposing corrupt local government officials, they were imprisoned for four years. Throughout the years of petitioning, what they saw was the unfair treatment towards the common people, with the public security, judicial, and governmental officials colluding to oppress the people.”

Seeking justice through petitioning led to imprisonment instead, leaving the residents deeply indignant. They expressed, “When foreign media reported on their ordeal, they faced harsher suppression from the CCP. Feeling hopeless, they decided to renounce the Communist Party from their hearts, expressing their anger and oppression through silent resistance.”

Liaoning Province’s Yingkou resident Wang Sue vowed to withdraw from the Young Pioneers: “Thirteen years of fruitless petitioning, eight jail terms, six bails, under border control and internal control, monitored by stability maintenance personnel. No pension, no health insurance, no subsistence allowances, no land. How can one (Yang Bailao) survive? Therefore, I, Wang Sue, solemnly declare my withdrawal from the CCP!”

Retired veteran Daiwei-Zhang in Changsha, Hunan Province, made a three-withdrawal statement: “Brainwashed by the Communist army during the Sino-Vietnamese War, I joined the CCP, but later became unemployed. After multiple visits to Beijing for petitioning, I faced repression and stability maintenance measures from the Communist bandits. I have now decided to withdraw from the evil organization of the Communist bandits.”

Liu Cheng, in his statement renouncing all evil organizations affiliated with the Communist Party, lamented: “Living in mainland China nowadays is truly difficult. Working hard to earn money to support my family, I spent half my life’s savings on housing, only to realize that recent financial innovations and internet finance schemes were mere tactics to exploit the common people.”

Being arrested for safeguarding rights, Liu Cheng continued, “I went to petition, to uphold my rights in front of P2P financial companies, but as soon as I arrived, I was thrown into a police car without even getting the chance to see the building of the company that deceived me. I came to uphold my rights, but the CCP labelled me as a ‘stability maintenance element’ and arrested me. I felt like crying, even considering death at that moment.”

Finally coming to terms with the wickedness of the CCP, Liu Cheng made a wise decision. He said, “Every day on television, they promote P2P investments with high returns and low risks, supervised by national banks, backed by guarantee companies, operating legally, and authorized by the national administrative authority. Looking back, I can only laugh at myself. Recognizing the evil of the Communist Party and all its affiliated organizations, which are anti-humanity, I renounce all ties with the evil party and its organizations, striving to be a child of China and a child of God.”

Facing injustices, ordinary citizens are left with no choice but to take enormous risks in resorting to petitioning, hoping to reclaim justice, only to be intercepted, surrounded, kidnapped, monitored, and subjected to torture by the CCP.

Dong Guangping, a mainland democratic activist, pointed out, “Because the CCP has a rule that if anyone petitions in your unit or locality, it amounts to a veto. This means that the official’s promotion is dependent on this veto. Therefore, local officials put considerable efforts into intercepting petitioners. They even collude with organized crime, as well as the petition bureaus at provincial and central levels, to intercept and obstruct the petitioners.”

Exiled human rights lawyer Chen Jiangang, from the United States, told Dajiyuan, “People who intercept petitioners from various places in the country go to Beijing, to specific locations like the Supreme Court and petition bureaus… These punks from the Communist Party from various provinces and cities constitute illegal kidnappings without any legal procedures.”

“There are numerous individuals who are brought back, subjected to torture and abuse,” he continued. “I have witnessed such heartbreaking stories; the tragedies that unfolded are too unbearable to hear. Due to petitioning, many have been beaten to death alive.”

In the U.S., a Chinese human rights lawyer, Wu Shaoping, discussed the CCP’s petition system, calling it a systemic trap. He stated, “In an attempt to solve the problems created by itself and to maintain so-called social stability, amid the failure of the external mechanism of the judicial system, the CCP aims to resolve issues through the internal extension of the petition system.”

Wu Shaoping emphasized, “This (the petition system) is fundamentally not meant for genuinely solving the problems faced by the common people but rather to drain the people’s energy and financial resources and employ delaying tactics. Throughout the extended petitioning process, people’s energy is continuously depleted. When intercepted, petitioners are possibly sent to legal education centers or subject to administrative detention, or criminal detention. Typically, the authorities would levy charges of disturbing public order or causing trouble to apprehend and sentence the petitioners.”

Zhun Xiaoming, a Henan resident, declared his withdrawal from the CCP team, stating, “Under the Communist Party’s rule, China has become too dark, rife with tainted food and poisonous vaccines. Whenever there is a collective event, the people’s efforts to seek government protection lead to arrests and expulsions. The money earned from the people is used to suppress and maintain stability, turning the police nurtured by the CCP into personal bodyguards for the party officials. Having seen through the true face of the Communist Party, I declare my departure from the organizations I once joined.”

Citizens from Shandong, including Ma Xiuling, Zhao Rongping, Zhuzi, Jiang Xinmei, and seven others made three-withdrawal statements: “The evil party is persecuting the people under the guise of stability maintenance. The real source of instability is the evil party itself, generating turmoil and oppression while accumulating wealth. The Communist Party is the true evil cult. The CCP’s days are numbered, and its evil deeds will be repaid. We choose to exit the organization of the evil party to maintain peace.”

Muding, in his party withdrawal statement, expressed, “The Communist Party claims to struggle for the communist cause for the people, but in reality, they only seek power; their original intent is to wield authority. To maintain power, they have enforced the most effective foolish policies in history, allowing only the central voice to be heard, praising the CCP, and silencing any dissent. Officials in power are solely focused on siphoning people’s money, with people having no right to question or supervise, as they would be labeled as negative influences or destabilizing elements, even becoming targets for stability maintenance.”

A discontented citizen, signing as Zhang Zijia (alias), lamented, “Due to being young and ignorant, without understanding the true nature of the CCP, I inadvertently joined the evil Chinese Communist Party. The CCP’s propaganda brainwashing is detestable, relying on propaganda to control public opinion on everything, even during the COVID-19 outbreak, promoting belief in overcoming it through faith alone. Constantly emphasizing ‘building a powerful nation,’ is this really the way to achieve national strength?”

Expressing anger, he stated, “The CCP prohibits truth-telling and resorts to stability maintenance tactics when faced with unfavorable situations, aiming not to resolve the issue but to suppress those who uncover the truth. I love my motherland, but I no longer believe in the so-called beliefs of the Communist Party. With this statement, I declare my withdrawal from the Communist Party and its affiliated organizations.”

Yuxiang, a resident of Liaoning Province, remarked, “The CCP’s claimed ‘rule of law’ is pure nonsense; in reality, they govern through tyranny, using stability maintenance as a pretext to suppress human rights, detain rights activists, and uphold tyranny. What they call the ‘people’s government’ is, in essence, a ‘money government,’ deceiving the people thoroughly. I have seen through the ugly face of the CCP and hereby declare my exit from the Communist Youth League!”

In a three-withdrawal statement, Zhaotianfu and Liu Fu’an stated, “The CCP’s endeavor to ‘struggle for the cause of communism’ is nothing more than deceiving and confusing the common people, covering up the theft of national assets by corrupt officials. The so-called ‘stability maintenance’ targets the common people, upholding the evil system that continues to deceive and exploit them. Realizing this truth, we firmly declare our exit from the CCP’s evil youth league organization, erasing the verbal oaths for peace and happiness.”

The inadequate legal system and lack of judicial independence within the CCP make it impossible to resolve issues through legal means. People, hoping to seek justice through petitioning, end up facing persecution. Currently, Chinese social media is flooded with numerous videos depicting grassroots rights advocacy struggles, encompassing bank savings holders, investors, residential property owners, laborers, parents of students, evicted households, as well as farmers or urban residents affected by government projects.

Liu Jincai, an associate professor of Public Affairs at the University of Buddha’s Light in Taiwan, pointed out that the period from 2014 to 2016 marked the peak of social protests in China. However, since then, information censorship by the CCP has become increasingly severe, making it challenging for external sources to gather relevant news. Given the growing chaos in the Chinese economy and society, conflicts are likely to escalate further. It is estimated that there are approximately 180,000 collective events annually, roughly averaging 493 incidents per day.

For instance, on May 15th, a video circulated online showing a row of harvesters parked outside the county government building in Linying County, Henan. Some harvesters were even blocking the entrance, causing disruption. Reports indicated that the official authorities had been delinquent in providing subsidies to the harvester operators, prompting them to blockade the government building.

On the same day, another video depicted workers from a cotton mill in Nanyang City, Henan, engaging in a road blockade to demand their fundings back.

Local sources explained that for years, the Nanyang cotton mill deceived workers with high-interest rate accumulation of savings. However, since 2020, the fundings collapsed, unable to repay the workers’ deposits and interests. Despite numerous efforts by the workers for justice, they were unsuccessful, leading to the initiation of the road blockade protest.

These incidents are just the tip of the iceberg. According to a draft budget report by the CCP Ministry of Finance, public security expenditures exceeded 200 billion yuan in 2023.

Chinese human rights lawyer Wu Shaoping emphasized that the CCP’s aggressive dictatorship leads to exacerbating social conflicts and contradictions, necessitating means of stability maintenance to control the entire society. He stated, “The CCP can ignore livelihood issues, such as education, elderly care, social security, and healthcare. These vital expenses concerning people’s livelihoods remain stagnant, while costs for stability maintenance increase substantially.”

Wu Shaoping argued that after decades of economic reform and opening up, Chinese society has gained a certain enlightenment. Many individuals are well aware today that democracy is preferable to dictatorship, exemplified by the “Blank Paper Movement” in 2022 and the subsequent “White Hair Movement,” both embodying the people’s discontent.

Liu Jincai estimated that large-scale soft resistance movements akin to the “Blank Paper Movement” could resurface in the future. Financial incidents sparked by illegal fundraising leading to depositor protests, as well as collective worker protests, are likely to rise. Should the CCP fail to proactively reform its political system and persist in quelling the people’s democratic demands, their rule will prove unsustainable.

Dong Guangping also emphasized, “The root cause of the problem lies in the CCP’s authoritarian rule, and the solution is to overthrow the CCP’s dictatorship and implement genuine lawful democratic constitutional governance. There is only one way out, no other alternative.”

In conclusion, whether from scholars, brave individuals declaring their three withdrawals, or experts in the field, there is a unanimous consensus that the CCP utilizes violence and suppression through stability maintenance to retain power. Their goal is to uphold the stability of the CCP regime. Dismantling the CCP and establishing rule of law, democratic governance, and constitutional democracy is the only path for the Chinese people towards freedom. To date, the total number of withdrawal statements from the CCP, its affiliated organizations, and groups exceeds 430,497,000 people.