Supervising New Recruit Training, Lai Ching-te: Prepare to Face Threats

On June 28, 2024, President Tsai Ing-wen of the Republic of China made his first visit to the Success Ridge to inspect new recruits undergoing training. President Tsai encouraged the soldiers and acknowledged the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait as a necessary element for global security and prosperity. He called for collective efforts to safeguard the nation’s security.

President Tsai visited the Success Ridge Camp in Taichung this morning to observe the new recruits in training. He highlighted Taiwan’s recognition internationally for its performance in economy, democracy, and freedom. The international community acknowledges that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are essential for global security and prosperity, and opposes any use of force to alter the status quo. Taiwan is a peace-loving country, but facing threats of authoritarianism, preparation is necessary. He expressed his hope that through the training of new recruits, they would enhance their military combat skills to not only defend the homeland but also protect the people and national security in the future.

Upon arrival, President Tsai first received a briefing on the unit’s mission and observed close combat training. He then visited soldiers’ quarters and living facilities to understand their service environment. At noon, he dined with representatives of the soldiers and distributed additional meal allowances to commend their hard work.

President Tsai expressed his pleasure in visiting the Success Ridge Camp and commended the high-quality training the soldiers underwent. He emphasized the significance of new recruit training as a necessary transition from civilians to soldiers, with the belief that the experiences gained during training would equip them with practical military combat skills to defend the nation and safeguard its people in the future.

President Tsai mentioned the improvements in the living quarters, training equipment, and facilities in the military compared to his own time as a soldier at the Success Ridge Camp. He acknowledged the reform measures initiated during former President Tsai Ing-wen’s administration and assured continued efforts by the new government to provide better living spaces and equipment for enhanced training and more significant achievements.

President Tsai noted Taiwan’s increasing recognition in the international community. According to evaluations by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Taiwan ranks as the top in Asia and 10th globally in the Democracy Index, earning the title of the beacon of democracy in Asia. In the Freedom in the World report by Freedom House, Taiwan ranks second in Asia in the freedom index, underscoring its leading position internationally. President Tsai attributed these accomplishments to the collective efforts of the past.

President Tsai highlighted Taiwan’s progress in economics and industries. Over the past eight years, Taiwan’s GDP has increased from 17 trillion to 23 trillion NT dollars, making it the 21st largest economy globally. With a population of only 23.5 million, Taiwan is the 8th largest trading partner of the United States and the 4th largest for Japan. Recently, during the Taipei International Computer Show, many international tech experts visited Taiwan, with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang mentioning Taiwan’s emergence as a central hub for the future of artificial intelligence, a result of the shared efforts of all.

President Tsai emphasized that Taiwan’s democratic freedoms are recognized globally, allowing people to enjoy a life of freedom within the democratic system while witnessing continuous economic development. According to the Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium’s report, Taiwan ranks first in Asia in philanthropic giving, signifying the recognition of their charitable efforts, fostering a positive international image of Taiwan. Therefore, he reiterated that the training undertaken and the sweat shed by everyone today are all for the protection of the nation’s security and the preservation of these achievements.

President Tsai stressed that Taiwan’s progress would drive global advancement, with the international community now acknowledging the necessity of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait for worldwide security and prosperity, opposing any use of force to change the current situation. The efforts made today are all for the peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan’s security, the maintenance of democratic freedom, and continued economic development. Taiwan’s progress will further propel global progress, believing that peace in the Taiwan Strait benefits global peace.

President Tsai expressed his delight in meeting the soldiers at the Success Ridge, reminiscing about his own training experiences there and witnessing their enthusiastic spirit and excellent training outcomes. He extended gratitude on behalf of the nation to all members of the national defense for their hard work.

President Tsai reiterated that the goal is peace, emphasizing that Taiwan is a peace-loving country where people cherish goodwill and do not seek conflict. However, in the face of threats from authoritarianism, preparation is crucial. He concluded, stating that with every additional preparation and drop of sweat today, the nation gains additional security, society gains stability, and the people gain reassurance, all achieved through collective efforts.

The event was attended by National Security Council Secretary-General Wellington Koo, Minister of National Defense Chiu Kuo-cheng, and Army Commander Chung Shu-ming among others.