Sunday Gathering of Chengdu Autumn Rain Church Disrupted by Police, Four People Arrested

The Chinese Communist Party has been suppressing groups with religious beliefs. On September 1st, nearly 60 believers from the Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu were raided by a large group of local police during their Sunday gathering. Elders Li Yingqiang and Yan Hong, as well as ministers Wu Wuqing and deacon Zeng Qingtao, were taken away.

In the morning of September 1, the Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu was preparing for their Sunday worship in a rented location. However, more than 30 officers in uniform and plainclothes were already stationed at the entrance and outside the building.

According to descriptions from church members present at the gathering, the venue was partitioned into two parts – those already inside, including believers and pastoral staff, were locked in, while those outside were prevented from entering.

Despite this, both inside and outside the venue, order was maintained. People remained calm, singing hymns, praying, accessing online services to participate in the Sunday worship together.

Around 9:05 am, police took away Elder Li Yingqiang and Minister Wu Wuqing. Inside the venue, Elder Yan Hong and Deacon Zeng Qingtao continued leading the believers in reading scriptures, praying, singing hymns.

At around 9:55 am, the police also took away Elder Yan Hong and Deacon Zeng Qingtao. Subsequently, the venue’s power was cut off. Property management staff on-site intentionally played loud Communist songs to disturb the believers’ worship, and attempted to drive them out of the venue.

However, the believers were undeterred, continuing to peacefully sing praises and worship. Online, other staff members stepped in to lead, completing the worship for the day. Outside the venue, believers were also dispersed by the police, leaving the building quietly to search for another place to worship.

Mr. Liu, a participant in the gathering, stated, “The devil never sleeps. The police and national security arrived at 8:50 am. Our group entered the third floor around 8:45 am and saw Minister Wu Wuqing coordinating with the staff. I realized that today’s worship would face disruption or pressure again.”

According to Mr. Luo, an overseas Christian, “During the September 1st worship service, four colleagues were arrested by over 30 officers from Chengdu Wuhou District Public Security Bureau, Hongpailou Police Station, and plainclothes and uniformed police. However, the event continued orderly.”

It is reported that the police have notified the families of two of those who were arrested to prepare a half-month’s worth of medication, but there is still no information on Elder Li Yingqiang and another colleague.

An attempt by a reporter from Epoch Times to contact the Hongpailou Police Station in the Wuhou District of Chengdu resulted in being redirected to another non-responsive number.