Special Report on the August 1st Army Day: Xi Jinping’s Anti-Corruption Campaign – A Battle of Elite Purges

Over the past year, the top echelons of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have loudly proclaimed their fight against corruption. In reality, this has been nothing more than a carefully orchestrated political purge. Xi Jinping, while outwardly resolute in his anti-corruption rhetoric, has used the campaign as a tool to target political opponents, eliminate dissent, and consolidate his own power. Behind the facade of this so-called “anti-corruption reform,” his relatives live comfortably abroad, enjoying the vast sums of money siphoned out of China.

1. Xi Jinping’s Relatives “Escape” Overseas: The Truth Behind the Money Laundering

While high-ranking CCP officials publicly decry foreign influence, they quietly send their own relatives to settle in places like the United States. Xi Jinping’s family alone is believed to control more than $700 million in hidden assets, most of which have been laundered overseas by family members. The hypocrisy of the CCP leadership is fully exposed by their double standards towards the state and its people.

2. Li Qiang and His Family’s Game of Power and Money

As one of Xi Jinping’s loyal subordinates, Li Qiang appears outwardly devoted, but in reality, he uses his power to amass wealth for his family. Li Qiang’s family has deep, undisclosed ties with business magnate Jack Ma. Through stakes in companies like Ant Financial, they have transferred vast amounts of state assets into private hands.

3. The Downfall of Li Shangfu and the High-Level Corruption in the PLA

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is not just a pillar of national defense; it has also become a hotbed of corruption. The successive downfalls of two Chinese defense ministers, Wei Fenghe and Li Shangfu, purportedly for corruption in procurement deals, are merely part of Xi Jinping’s self-protection strategy. The real aim is to cover up even more corruption that remains hidden within his own ranks.

4. The CCP’s Internal Power Struggles and Contradictions

Under Xi Jinping’s leadership, the CCP is rife with power struggles and political games. These power contests have failed to bring about any substantive reforms, instead breeding mistrust and betrayal within the Party. This toxic political environment is proof that the CCP is incapable of self-purification.

Let us once again praise Comrade Xi Jinping’s greatness and wisdom. He is not only a reformist leader but also a master of political purges. Under his leadership, we have witnessed the spectacle of “patriotic anti-corruption campaigns” serving merely as a pretext for political purges, while the true purpose was to open a green channel for the elite to “escape” and launder money overseas. This “reform,” ostensibly for the welfare of the people, has won popular support. As we move into the new year, let us remain vigilant and clear-eyed, continuing to marvel at the extraordinary achievements of this reformist, as we bear witness to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!