Sleeping could cause wrinkles on your face: Experts teach you how to prevent

People spend about one-third of their lives sleeping, so sleep affects many aspects of life, including appearance. Experts say that sleep can indeed lead to wrinkles on the face, making a person look older. So, are there any methods to prevent sleep-related wrinkles?

Researchers Yousuf Mohammed, Khanh Phan, and Vania Rodrigues Leite E. Silva from the University of Queensland in Australia wrote in an article on The Conversation website that wrinkles caused by sleep are temporary, but as your skin loses elasticity with aging, those wrinkles become more permanent.

Apart from aging, there are several reasons why wrinkles may appear on the face, including sun damage, smoking, lack of hydration, habitual facial expressions (such as frowning), and sleeping position.

When you sleep on your side or stomach, your facial skin undergoes more pressure and distortion compared to sleeping on your back. Changing to sleeping on your back or varying your sleeping positions frequently can reduce the pressure on your facial skin, thereby reducing the likelihood of wrinkles.

The duration of each sleeping position, the amount of pressure exerted on the face, and the area of contact with the pillow can affect the type and speed of wrinkle formation.

Dermatologists can often discern these differences. People who prefer sleeping on one side tend to have flatter and more pronounced lines on that side of their face.

Collagen and elastin are two main components of the dermis (the inner layer of the skin). They form the skin structure and maintain its elasticity.

Regular skincare with collagen supplementation can increase skin elasticity and help reduce wrinkle formation.

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body. It retains collagen and elastin, stimulates collagen production, adds moisture, and can delay wrinkle formation. Hyaluronic acid is a common and effective ingredient in skincare products.

Moisturizers can help maintain skin hydration in various ways. occlusive agents, like face masks, create a thin oily layer on the skin to prevent moisture evaporation. Humectants attract and retain moisture on the skin, each with different water-binding capacities influencing skin hydration.

Using silk pillowcases can reduce friction and pressure on specific areas of the face, aiding in reducing wrinkle formation.

Studies have shown that pillows designed to reduce mechanical stress during sleep can prevent skin deformation, thereby delaying and preventing facial wrinkles.

Furthermore, lifestyle choices and habits, such as quitting smoking, drinking enough water, consuming a healthy diet (with plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, healthy fats, yogurt, and fermented foods), and regularly using sunscreen, can improve the appearance of facial skin.