Six murder cases involving Chinese officials occurred in over three months

In the past three months, at least six cases of Chinese Communist Party officials being killed have caused widespread discussion in society. Analysts believe that the systemic darkness of the CCP has left many Chinese people with unresolved grievances, leading to a heavy atmosphere of resentment and ultimately resulting in murder becoming the outlet for this pent-up anger.

On September 20, the Hunan Provincial Finance Department issued an obituary announcing the tragic death of Liu Wenjie, a delegate to the 20th National Congress of the CCP and a representative of the 14th National People’s Congress, who was 58 years old. According to a police report on the 19th, a criminal incident occurred in a residential neighborhood on Chengnan Road in the Tianxin District of Changsha that morning. Liu Wenjie was killed, and two suspects surnamed Jiang fell to their deaths from a building.

In a late-night update, the Changsha police reported that Liu Wenjie was attacked by two suspects wielding knives as he entered his home. Liu struggled with one of the suspects and both fell from a balcony to their deaths, while the other suspect died while trying to escape.

The police report emphasized that there was no prior connection between Liu Wenjie and his family with the two suspects before the incident. However, even official Chinese media outlets did not believe this explanation. Following the incident, multiple sources informed “Caijing” magazine that the two suspects had a professional relationship with Liu Wenjie.

Former bank employee in China, now residing in Australia, Jiang Wang recently informed Epoch Times that the two suspects were named Jiang Hui, aged 35, and Jiang Yihui, aged 31. These two individuals had a borrowing relationship with Liu Wenjie. In a transaction involving a loan of 60 million yuan (approximately 8.5 million US dollars), Liu Wenjie acted as a guarantor, but the borrowers failed to fulfill their repayment commitments. As a result, the two suspects demanded the return of the principal loan amount and interest from Liu Wenjie, leading to a dispute.

On September 5, the Qinhuangdao Sub-bureau of the Xianyang Public Security Bureau in Shaanxi issued a “Wanted Notice”. The notice stated that the bureau was investigating a serious criminal case and that Zhang Zhihao, Feng Long, Zhao Junqing, Zhang Pengfei, Jing Weiwei, and others were suspected of committing major crimes and had absconded on July 19.

The notice listed only basic information about the five individuals and requested the public to report them immediately, offering rewards ranging from 10,000 to 30,000 yuan (approximately 1,420 to 4,260 US dollars). It also cautioned anyone harboring or concealing the fugitives.

A supposed insider from the public security sector stated that the five individuals were involved in a criminal syndicate that robbed a high official’s family and wiped them out in Xianyang! Former Chinese media figure Zhao Lanjian also disclosed on platform X that the slaughtered family belonged to the deputy mayor of Xianyang.

A local resident of Xianyang recounted to Epoch Times the reasons behind the incident. The resident, Mr. Fang, mentioned that this was not a random act of violence. The mastermind of the case, Zhang Zhihao, was a well-known bathhouse owner in the area with significant influence. The other four individuals were his employees. The incident was related to a conflict between Zhang Zhihao and local officials such as Yu Jianbang, a local People’s Congress representative, and senior officials, resulting in the authorities clamping down on all information.

On August 15, the authorities in Handan City, Hebei Province reported that a man was fatally stabbed around 11 a.m. in a commercial building in Congtai District. The victim was Zheng Zhiying, the chairman of Handan Bank, who was killed in broad daylight in his office. Rumor has it that the perpetrator, Song, was a former branch manager who had been fired.

On the evening of August 7, a 37-year-old female judge, Wang Jiajia, was stabbed to death at the entrance of the underground parking lot in her residential community in the city of Luohe, Henan Province. According to a report from the Yancheng District Court, the incident was considered an act of revenge by the perpetrator due to dissatisfaction with a court ruling.

It was said that four months ago, Party A’s electric bike collided with a small car driven by Li, causing Party A minor injuries. The traffic police held Li entirely responsible. As the two parties couldn’t reach a settlement, Party A subsequently sued in court, seeking compensation of 18,832.93 yuan (approximately 2,670 US dollars) for medical expenses and other losses from Li and his insurance company.

This case was handled by Judge Wang Jiajia, who did not fully support Party A’s lawsuit demands. In the end, Li’s insurance company was ordered to compensate Party A with 9,384.89 yuan (approximately 1,330 US dollars), which left Party A dissatisfied.

Party A stabbed Wang Jiajia to death and attempted suicide by poisoning. When he was arrested at home the next morning, he was already in a comatose state due to the poisoning. However, he was eventually saved.

The fact that someone would kill over a mere difference of 9,448.04 yuan (around 1,340 US dollars) has sparked public outrage and widespread discussion. Some netizens questioned whether there were hidden motives behind the case.

On July 9, the police in Linyi City, Shandong Province, reported that on the previous morning around 9 a.m., a 49-year-old suspect surnamed Ma injured a 53-year-old man named Zhan with a knife in Lanshan District before fleeing. Zhan died after being taken to the hospital, and Ma was subsequently arrested.

The victim, Zhan, was Chairman of the Linyi City Literary Federation in Shandong Province, Zhan Xiangchun. He suffered multiple stab wounds to his body, with cuts on his face and neck.

According to an insider quoted by China News Weekly, the perpetrator Ma and Zhan Xiangchun were from the same unit. Ma was a general worker who had previously served as a driver. Ma’s position belonged to a public welfare category, and according to regulations, his contract was not renewed after its expiration. After working at the unit for many years, Ma was dismissed at the beginning of the Chinese New Year in 2024. Dissatisfied with no longer having a job, Ma resorted to extreme measures.

The insider also revealed that the incident occurred on the 7th floor of the office building of the Linyi City Literary Federation. On the day of the incident, Ma and Zhan Xiangchun had a heated argument in the office building.

On the morning of June 3, a significant criminal case occurred in Qinxian, Zhangzi County, Shanxi Province. Guo Jianyu, the 58-year-old chairman of the Political Consultative Conference, was stabbed to death. The suspect, An Yaohong, aged 59, was apprehended by the authorities that same night.

According to a report by NetEase in China, An Yaohong was a veteran employee in the grain system of Qinxian for over three decades. Around 2000, due to problems in his business operations, most employees chose to buy out their work tenure and leave, or they were laid off to seek other opportunities. However, An Yaohong, who had hearing impairments, stayed on but received neither wages nor bonuses.

To make ends meet, An Yaohong raised funds to construct over a dozen houses on the land of the grain reserve in Qinxian. Apart from his own residence, he rented out the remaining rooms at a fixed price. These houses became a vital source of income for An Yaohong and his family. His actions were silently endorsed by senior officials in the grain system.

Over two decades passed quickly. In 2022 and 2023, the local government in Qinxian issued demolition notices as part of the compensation agreement. The buildings constructed by An Yaohong on the former sites of some grain system enterprises were scheduled for demolition. The ownership of these houses became a contentious issue.

During prolonged negotiations, that ended with no compensation agreement signing, An Yaohong’s houses were demolished by excavators’ roaring engines. Homeless, An Yaohong moved around aimlessly, and his wife, unable to bear the hardship, chose to divorce him.

Having tried to work outside but to no avail, An Yaohong had no choice but to return to Qinxian. In an attempt to resolve the unreceived compensation, An Yaohong sought help from Guo Jianyu, Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference responsible for the demolition work. But tragically, the end result was as mentioned earlier.

There are numerous cases of officials and police officers being killed circulating online in mainland China, but due to incomplete news elements, they couldn’t be presented here.

Regarding the increasing incidents of officials being killed, independent writer Zhuge Mingyang believes that this is an eruption of the “social resentment” caused by the evil CCP rule.

He told Epoch Times: “The systemic darkness of the CCP, such as officials covering for each other, where the big officials oppress the smaller ones, and severe judicial unfairness, has led to Chinese people facing unresolved grievances. When these accumulated grievances deepen, they create a heavy atmosphere of resentment in society. Eventually, murder becomes the only outlet for this built-up resentment. Whether driven by revenge, retaliation, or irrational killings, tragic stories like those in Jia Zhangke’s ‘Ash Is Purest White’ will become more prevalent. This distorted form of ‘an eye for an eye’ resistance will eventually crush the CCP regime.”