Singing Chinese Songs in New York: Contestants of NTD Chinese International Karaoke Competition Excited.

On September 21, 2024, during the semi-finals of the 9th NTD World Chinese Vocal Singing Competition held at the Kaufman Music Center on West 67th Street in Manhattan, New York, some professional talents who had studied and worked in vocal arts in the United States participated. One of the contestants expressed excitement about singing Chinese songs on such a prestigious global stage.

“After experiencing so many years in the United States, I really miss the days I spent studying in China. You know, we all share the same bloodline, so when I sing these Chinese songs, I feel a bit emotional,” said Jiang Xiao, a contestant from China, her voice slightly choked with emotion. “I hope that Chinese people living abroad can hear it, or that I can spread Chinese culture to Western audiences. I hope to interpret this song as fully as possible with my own understanding.”

Jiang Xiao, a graduate of the Beijing Normal University music department, later pursued a master’s degree in vocal performance at the China Conservatory of Music and the Manhattan School of Music. She performed a Chinese song titled “Small River Flows” in the semi-finals.

“This song is a bit subtle; it uses water and small rivers to describe the love between a man and a woman, the feeling of ‘Brother in the deep mountains, I miss you…,'” Jiang Xiao said. She believes that Chinese songs possess a classical beauty, reflecting the shyness of Chinese women. “You can imagine women in cheongsams exuding a soft and gentle femininity.”

The NTD Chinese Vocal Competition aims to revive the pure, kind, and beautiful traditional Chinese culture. In the semi-finals, contestants were required to sing a Chinese song, and Jiang Xiao chose this folk song depicting love.

Prior to the competition, Jiang Xiao had the idea of using operatic singing to perform Chinese songs, and the NTD vocal competition inspired her to enroll. She said the competition made her feel as if she had returned to her student days.

“Every day is busy; today’s end is tomorrow’s beginning. What makes me happy is that I met many friends and learned new things,” she said. “Everyone has different interpretations. You absorb and sing more, experience more. ‘When three walk together, one should be my teacher’ – these are all aspects of Chinese cultural heritage that I am gradually coming to understand.” Jiang Xiao added, “Encountering this competition, I feel excited; it’s been a long time since I sang these songs, so I am happy to be here.”

Jiang Xiao strongly agrees with the philosophy of the NTD competition, stating that she shares a similar pursuit, that is to be a pure person with a pure voice and sing pure things.

“I think this is very good; our event can bring the voice and language of China to the world metropolis of New York. People of all ethnicities and skin colors are gathered here, and now there is a Chinese voice at the 67th Street Arts Center,” she said. “So, I am very happy to be a part of it; I enjoy it and hope to attract more listeners and viewers, allowing them to enjoy beauty and gain an understanding of Chinese culture. I am willing to be their friend.”