Silver Award Winner: Contest Advocates Traditional Values without Compromise, Allowing Me to Return to Tradition

Taiwanese athlete Chen Shaoxun participated in the New Tang Dynasty Martial Arts Competition for the third time, having won bronze medals in his previous two attempts. In the final round of the 8th New Tang Dynasty World Chinese Traditional Martial Arts Competition held on September 2, he was honored with the silver medal in the men’s weapons category.

Chen Shaoxun expressed gratitude to the judges for encouraging his return to traditional martial arts. He emphasized that the New Tang Dynasty Martial Arts Competition is the only one in the world that uncompromisingly upholds traditional martial arts, and it was through this competition that he rediscovered the path of orthodox martial arts. He believes that only by pursuing traditional martial arts can one truly dedicate themselves to the art of martial arts.

Having studied Chinese martial arts since childhood, Chen Shaoxun has frequently participated in martial arts competitions and won numerous awards. However, he holds a special affinity for the New Tang Dynasty competition, noting that it “most respects the athletes.”

According to Chen Shaoxun, other competitions often have multiple events and separate venues, which can make athletes feel undervalued. In contrast, the New Tang Dynasty competition shines in its spotlight on individual performances, allowing athletes to truly showcase their skills and feel appreciated on that stage.

Winning the silver medal brought Chen Shaoxun great joy, and he expressed his gratitude to the judges and audience for their support.

In his previous two participations in the New Tang Dynasty Martial Arts Competition, Chen Shaoxun competed with a crescent moon shovel weapon, which he designed and choreographed himself, deviating from the original routine.

After participating in the New Tang Dynasty competition, the chairman of the judges, Li Youfu, advised him to adhere to the authentic essence of martial arts required by the competition, leading Chen Shaoxun back to traditional martial arts. This time, he brought a set of spear techniques he learned earliest without any modifications, praising the New Tang Dynasty competition as the “world’s only uncompromising competition.”

While there are other competitions with similar pursuits of traditional martial arts, Chen Shaoxun highlighted the New Tang Dynasty competition as the one where Li Youfu insists on no compromises. He emphasized the importance of this commitment in guiding athletes towards the path of traditional martial arts and expressed that this was the most significant aspect of his participation in the competition – to “lead us back to orthodoxy.”

Understanding why many martial artists chose not to participate, Chen Shaoxun, as a consistent award-winning competitor, initially questioned the value of achieving bronze medals in his first two attempts. However, after grasping the pursuit of the New Tang Dynasty competition, he had a change of heart and recognized the importance of upholding traditional martial arts in their purest form, despite the challenge of entertaining audiences with captivating elements.

Chen Shaoxun encouraged individuals within the traditional martial arts community to persevere in their journey and uphold the traditions of martial arts. Reflecting on his personal experience, he shared the words from his masters and predecessors who believe in the continual advancement of the next generation, always aiming for greatness beyond their own achievements.

Regarding the emphasis on martial virtue and tradition in the New Tang Dynasty competition, Chen Shaoxun believed that displaying the original and authentic skills is the best way to promote and preserve these traditional values.

For Chen Shaoxun, the concept of “martial virtue” revolves around having conviction in oneself instead of focusing on accolades, prioritizing the protection of the weak and advocating against violence. He sees the pursuit of traditional martial arts as the direction for his future, intending to tread this path for a lifetime.