Sichuan Deputy County Chief Condemned for Spreading Hate Speech After Stabbing Incident Involving Japanese Student

Recently, a 10-year-old Japanese student was stabbed to death on his way to school in Shenzhen, sparking shock across various sectors. Following the incident, numerous mainland Chinese citizens visited the school involved to lay flowers in mourning. In response to the case, a deputy county mayor in Sichuan spread hate speech online, saying “What’s the big deal in killing a child? It’s not killing innocent people, it’s killing little Japanese brats.” His remarks have drawn widespread attention and criticism.

A screenshot circulating on the internet shows a netizen with the WeChat nickname “Huang Ruyi” in a certain WeChat group saying, “What’s the big deal in killing a child?” Some members of the group rebutted, saying, “Mr. County Mayor, that child is only ten years old.” However, “Huang Ruyi” seemed unaware of the inappropriateness of his words and continued to make related hateful comments in the group.

Public information shows that Huang Ruyi was born in 1983. He started working at the Sichuan Provincial Office of Rural Energy in 2004 and was promoted to Deputy Director of the Provincial Rural Energy Development Center in 2021. That same year, Huang Ruyi was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy County Mayor of Xinlong County in Ganzi Prefecture, responsible for direct assistance and other work.

On September 21, a source informed the WeChat official account “Egg Bot” that the WeChat group chat records being circulated were true.

According to the source, the group chat in question is a group of around one hundred people, mostly book friends from the publishing and media industries. They stated that after Huang Ruyi made the mentioned remarks, “everyone was criticizing him, and now he is no longer in the group.”

“Egg Bot” reported that on the 22nd, they contacted relevant departments in Ganzi Prefecture and Xinlong County and confirmed that the involved netizen is indeed a leading member of the Xinlong County government.

A staff member of the Xinlong County government office stated, “We are aware of this matter and are currently handling it.” A person on duty at the Ganzi Prefecture government office also said, “We are already aware and have reported it. It will definitely be dealt with.”

Furthermore, according to an official in Xinlong County, the departments involved in investigating this matter include the County Committee, the Public Security Bureau, and the propaganda department. “The outcome of the subsequent handling will be announced.”