Shanghai Experiences Severe Flooding: Residents Scoop Water out of Their Homes with Basins

On June 30, “Shanghai heavy rain” trended on social media. Starting early in the morning, Shanghai experienced showers or thunderstorms. Due to the flooding from heavy rain seeping into homes, residents were seen scooping water out with buckets. Citizens exclaimed, “We’re going to get moldy!”

Currently, Shanghai has activated yellow alerts for thunderstorms and heavy rain.

According to the dashcam videos released by the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, the windshield wipers were nearly smoking and unable to clear the pouring rain, showcasing the intensity of the rain in Shanghai.

Some residents shared videos showing their homes being flooded, with them frantically scooping water out with buckets.

Other videos displayed flooded roads in some parts of Shanghai.

Since June 19, Shanghai officially entered the plum rain season, with one rain following another, leading residents to lament, “We’re going to get moldy!”

The official weather account in Shanghai issued a warning, stating, “Violent Plum Rain” is making a strong comeback, very plum, very violent.

It is reported that the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory updated the blue alert for heavy rain to a yellow alert at 8 a.m. on June 30.