Seven horses from Zhejiang sneak out of campsite and take a stroll on the streets of Shanghai.

Recently, in a camping base in Pinghu, Zhejiang, seven horses sneaked out and leisurely strolled on the streets of Jinshan, Shanghai, sparking a heated discussion among the public. The incident of “Seven Horses from Zhejiang Roaming in Jinshan” quickly made its way to the trending topics.

According to the Morning News, at 5 am on October 22nd, seven horses entered the Xingta checkpoint from the direction of Zhejiang and then walked through the Xingta community without their owner accompanying them. Due to poor visibility at night, this could easily lead to traffic accidents or personal injuries.

The tracks of the seven horses were discovered by the local police at the intersection of Xingxin Highway and Jian’an Road. Fortunately, there were few vehicles on the road at that time.

It turns out that these seven horses are from a camping base inside the Pinghu International Import Commodity City. They accidentally “escaped” in the early morning due to the negligence of the horse owner. Currently, with the guidance of the horse owner, the seven horses have safely returned “home”.

This incident has attracted a lot of attention and ridicule from netizens.

“Di Ren Kuai”: Luckily, they weren’t seven wolves.

“Youth Listening to the Rain Singing on the Tower 666”: Even seven wolves couldn’t cause a stir.

“Fearless On the Road”: I’ve ridden one of them, haha.

“Shadow of the Flower”: The seven horses refused to accept their fate; they originally wanted to team up and make their debut, challenging the “seven wolves”. However, their dream was shattered halfway through their journey.

This amusing incident of the seven runaway horses roaming the streets of Jinshan has captured the imagination and humor of many on the internet.