Seeking Truth: The “425” Spirit is the Lighthouse Illuminating the Future of Mankind.

The 25th anniversary of the “4.25” commemoration has arrived. As a witness of the events of that day, I am grateful for the protection of my master, which has allowed me to reach this day and have the privilege to write this article.

On that day, more than thirty Falun Gong practitioners in our region rented a large sedan, departing in the early morning and arriving at Beijing Furui Street before 9 am. They returned around midnight, witnessing the unprecedented peaceful and rational mass petition in human history.

At the age of over 40 that year, I am now well over the age of 60. My wife, who went with me to Beijing, was persecuted to death by the Chinese Communist Party over ten years ago. Many Falun Gong practitioners who went with us have also passed away due to the persecution. Despite this, many Falun Gong practitioners who are still alive continue to persevere in their practice, striving to spread the truth and fulfill their historical mission.

Over the course of the 25-year-long anti-persecution campaign, Falun Gong practitioners have upheld their faith and practice of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, peacefully and rationally opposing persecution. This approach has earned universal understanding and respect from people around the world, establishing a moral monument for peace that will be remembered in history.

On April 25, 1999, due to the illegal arrests of Falun Gong practitioners by the Tianjin Public Security Bureau, and years of harassment against Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (such as the illegal banning of Falun Gong book publications), tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners had no choice but to petition near Zhongnanhai, known as the “4.25” peaceful mass petition event. However, due to the practitioners’ peaceful and rational behavior, and the proper handling by then-Premier Zhu Rongji, the situation was resolved in just one day.

With the exception of Jiang Zemin, all seven members of the Politburo Standing Committee clearly expressed their opposition to the suppression of Falun Gong. Zhu Rongji stated: “Falun Gong practitioners are mostly middle-aged and elderly, and mostly women. Their greatest wish is simply for improved physical health. As one Falun Gong practitioner said, ‘Nowadays, work units don’t cover medical expenses for illnesses, but Falun Gong can improve health. What’s wrong with that? Furthermore, with so many laid-off workers, Falun Gong can enhance moral qualities, and the people are peaceful and well-behaved, even more so than role models. This is such a good activity, why doesn’t the government support it?’ So, I feel that to say these people have political intentions doesn’t hold water. Additionally, we can no longer solve ideological problems through movements. This is not conducive to the premise of economic development, nor to the image of the country’s opening up to the outside world.”

Jiang Zemin stood up and pointed at Zhu Rongji, shouting, “Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! Party’s end, country’s end! I’m very distressed, our comrades’ political acuity is so low. If the issue of Falun Gong is not resolved promptly, it will be a historic mistake!” Zhu Rongji, who had once been wrongly labeled as “rightist,” thereafter maintained silence on the issue of Falun Gong.

“What does the General Secretary say?” Luo Gan cautiously asked. “Eradicate! Eradicate! Resolutely eradicate!” Jiang Zemin waved his hands and shouted, “The immediate task is to investigate the number, distribution, and individuals responsible for Falun Gong. Every organ, unit, and neighborhood committee must be investigated. Comrades, Falun Gong is competing with us for the masses. We must elevate this to a ‘political’ level, to the level of the life and death of the Party and the country, to understand this issue. Investigate to the end, no tolerance!”

After enduring 25 years of bloody persecution, we have seen that Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party are the culprits of this persecution. The two mutually exploited each other, escalating the persecution to an unprecedented level of evil. Just as stated in the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”: “Jiang Zemin lacks virtue and capability. Without the precise and violent machinery of the Chinese Communist Party, which revolves around killing and lying, he would not have been able to launch a nationwide and even international genocidal persecution. Similarly, under the current atmosphere of China’s open policy and international integration, without Jiang Zemin, a stubborn and evil dictator, the Chinese Communist Party would have difficulty opposing the tide of history. It is precisely because Jiang Zemin and the evil spirit of communism resonate with each other, like the sound of a mountaineer resonating with snow to trigger an avalanche, that Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party mutually magnified the evil repression to an unprecedented level.”

The petition dubbed “4.25” was a completely legal event where citizens exercised their right to petition guaranteed by the constitution. However, it was maliciously framed as the so-called “surrounding of Zhongnanhai,” and later became the excuse for the comprehensive and illegal repression of Falun Gong on July 20. Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party colluded to escalate the persecution to a mad and inhumane level. Jiang Zemin’s jealousy and the inherent evil of the Chinese Communist Party were factors at play. Falun Gong teaches Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, while the Chinese Communist Party advocates deception, violence, and struggle. The Communist Party is now finding it difficult to continue this persecution, but harming humanity is the evil essence of the Chinese Communist Party. As long as the Party exists, the persecution will not stop. Therefore, dismantling the Chinese Communist Party is the fundamental solution to end the persecution.

After the “4.25” incident, an unprecedented and senseless persecution has continued for 25 years and persists to this day. Why is it that even though Jiang Zemin, the perpetrator, has passed away, his successors continue the persecution? Who will judge this? Who will put an end to this unprecedented and senseless persecution? Must we allow it to continue for the 26th anniversary and beyond? Should humanity continue to endure this great humiliation? Humanity, it is time to become thoroughly awakened!

This evil persecution will surely come to an end someday. The Communist Party demon will surely exit the stage of history. However, the enormous humiliation that humanity has endured as a result of this bloody persecution is something that should be eternally remembered by all future generations.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the “4.25” commemoration, may all domestic individuals with conscience and justice, as well as relevant international organizations, pay attention to the tragic experiences of all Falun Gong practitioners in China, the deteriorating human rights situation in China, help the Chinese people completely hold the Chinese Communist Party and Jiang Zemin’s rogue group accountable for all their crimes, dismantle the monstrous devil of the CCP as soon as possible, and end this bloody persecution that has lasted for more than two decades.

Responsibility Editor: Gao Yi#