Seeking Truth: Common Characteristics of Elite Figures in Various Sectors Who Died in Clusters During the Pandemic

For over four years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been covering up the epidemic. The Epoch Times has collected and compiled data on the deaths of prominent figures in various fields such as the CCP, government, military, police, scientific research, education, and arts, revealing that most of them were CCP members. Their common trait is that they served for the CCP’s existence, promoted the CCP’s ideology, and whitewashed the CCP’s evil rule. The causes of their deaths are often labeled by authorities as “ineffective medical treatment for illness,” without specifying the exact disease. Many of them were elites in their respective fields, but unfortunately, their talents, efforts, and dedication were misplaced. Since the CCP came to power, it has caused the abnormal deaths of 80 million people and continues to persecute good Chinese people, leaving a heavy debt of blood. As the saying goes, good and evil deeds will be repaid, the epidemic is targeting the Communist Party, and the CCP regime is on the brink of collapse. Those who stand with the CCP will ultimately become sacrificial offerings of the Party. A true gentleman does not stand under a tottering wall; the best way to save oneself is to quickly disassociate from the CCP, its organizations, and entities.

Recently, The Epoch Times reported several instances: On the eve of the Qingming Festival, from March 30 to April 2, 2024, at least four senior CCP military leaders passed away due to illness, including CCP Major General Zhang Lixiong, CCP Lieutenant General and former Deputy Commander of the Nanjing Military Region Air Force Han Decai, CCP Lieutenant General and former Deputy Commander of the Guangzhou Military Region Song Wenhan, and CCP Navy Female Major General Huo Ling; all four were CCP members. According to incomplete statistics, since the second half of 2023, more than forty senior CCP military leaders have passed away, all of whom were CCP members.

In a previous incomplete record by The Epoch Times, within five months from July to November 2023, at least 26 senior CCP military officials of the rank of colonel and above consecutively died due to illness, all CCP members; including CCP General and former Air Force Commander Yu Zhenwu, CCP Major General and former Director of the PLA General Political Department Artillery Branch Wen Ji, CCP Lieutenant General and former Deputy Political Commissar and Discipline Inspection Secretary of the Guangzhou Military Region Wang Tongzhuo, CCP Lieutenant General and former Deputy Commander of the Navy Shen Binyi, and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor at the National University of Defense Technology Ling Yongshun.

From December 2023 to mid-March 2024, in less than four months, at least 15 senior CCP military leaders passed away due to illness, all CCP members; including former Navy Political Commissar Wei Jinshan, former Deputy Political Commissar of the Second Artillery Corps Shi Kexin, former Vice President of the Military Science Academy Qian Haihao, former Deputy Director of the State Defense Science and Industry Commission Shen Chun Nian, and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, former Vice President of the 304 Hospital Sheng Zhiyong.

Recent reports from The Epoch Times: From the beginning of 2024 until now, in less than three and a half months, at least 27 party and government officials in mainland Chinese universities have passed away due to illness, all of whom were CCP members; including 6 party secretaries and deputy secretaries, and 10 presidents and vice presidents. The deceased include Wang Shaoyu, former Party Secretary of Sichuan Agricultural University, Zhong Binglin, former President of Beijing Normal University, Yin Shuangzeng, former President of Hainan University, Gong Zhenbang, former Vice President of Shanghai University and robotics expert, Wu Jialian, Party Secretary of Guangdong Polytechnic of Arts and Crafts, who was only 58 years old, Tao Getu, Deputy Party Secretary and Dean of the Journalism and Communication College of Inner Mongolia Normal University, who was only 54 years old, and Cui Guitian, Director of the Contemporary Socialist Research Institute at Shandong University, who was only 64 years old.

According to incomplete statistics, from the beginning of 2024 until now, in less than three and a half months, at least another 11 party and government officials in mainland Chinese universities have passed away due to illness, all of whom were CCP members. They include Pei Quan, former Deputy Director of General Affairs at Tsinghua University, Liu Li, former Deputy Secretary of the Party General Branch of Beijing Medical College, and Cui Guitian, Director of the Contemporary Socialist Research Institute at Shandong University, who was only 64 years old.

On January 16, 2023, The Epoch Times website published an article entitled “Founder of Falun Gong: CCP Covering up Epidemic, Death Toll in China Reaches 400 Million,” where the Master of Falun Dafa, Li Hongzhi, revealed that the CCP has been covering up the epidemic for over three years, with the death toll in China reaching 400 million. He predicted that when this wave of the epidemic ends, 500 million people in China will die.

On August 27, 2023, The Epoch Times website published a special report titled “China Epidemic Rises Again, Founder of Falun Gong: Targeting the Communist Party.” Once again, the founder of Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi, pointed out that the COVID epidemic is mainly targeting the Communist Party and those who blindly follow, uphold, and devote themselves to the CCP; many people, including young individuals, have lost their lives.

At the onset of the epidemic, in March 2020, in an article on “Rationality,” Li Hongzhi warned: “The current ‘CCP virus’ (Wuhan pneumonia) epidemic is deliberate and has a target. It has come to eliminate the evil party members, those who walk hand in hand with the evil CCP party.” He emphasized the importance of distancing oneself from the CCP and not aligning with its wicked actions, as the Party represents a malevolent force that will face divine retribution and those who support it will be eliminated.

Li Hongzhi also provided guidance on how individuals can navigate through this epidemic: “People should sincerely repent to the divine, reflect on their own shortcomings, and strive for the opportunity to change for the better. This is the way and the elixir of life.”

A statement attributed to a former public security bureau chief named Li Haoyun expressed regret and repentance for their participation in the CCP’s immoral activities, recognizing the CCP as an anti-divine organization. The individual announced their withdrawal from the Party, hoping to alleviate some of their guilt and possibly receive divine blessings as a form of redemption.

It is hoped that more former CCP members will follow the example of “Li Haoyun” and seize the rare opportunity to renounce the CCP, avoid becoming complicit in its atrocities, and embrace a brighter future. Witnessing the unexplained deaths of numerous high-ranking CCP members, it is advised that other CCP members cherish the chance for salvation presented before them!

Editor: Gao Yi#