Schumer and Several Democratic Officials Urge Biden to Increase Tariffs on China

Several Democratic senators, including Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, have written a letter to President Biden requesting an increase in tariffs on China to protect American workers. They believe that reducing tariffs imposed during the Trump era could harm American workers.

In their letter to Biden and U.S. Trade Representative Tai, the senators stated that maintaining and potentially increasing tariffs is beneficial for American workers, manufacturers, and communities, and holds China (CCP) accountable for its ongoing anti-competitive practices.

The senators stated, “China (CCP) continues to deceive, evade, and manipulate, artificially strengthening its economy and harming American interests.”

They highlighted that in sectors such as steel, solar products, and electric vehicles, China has implemented market-distorting policies, leading to overcapacity and artificially lowering prices through illegal subsidies.

“These practices disrupt global product demand and supply chains, threatening the goals of American industrial policy. Our communities are also deeply affected,” the letter stated.

They emphasized that reducing the Section 301 tariffs would give China an unfair competitive advantage and underscored that tariffs are “an essential tool to create a fair competitive environment, combat anti-competitive behavior of non-market economies, and trade fraud.”

The Democratic signatories of the joint letter include Sherrod Brown, Tammy Baldwin, Bob Casey Jr., John Fetterman, Gary Peters, and Debbie Stabenow.

The senators added on Wednesday that they hope to ensure the Biden administration does not make concessions to the CCP regime after completing its review.

Senator Tammy Baldwin, a signatory of the joint letter, told Politico, “Through this joint letter, we are trying to raise awareness of this issue and make everyone aware of the extent to which China (CCP) cheats in the trade field.”

Baldwin and other Democrats stated that their actions stem from concern for manufacturing workers. However, the senators’ actions also highlight the increasing focus on trade issues in the 2024 election, as both parties vie for the support of working-class voters in swing states in the Midwest, who could ultimately decide the outcome of the presidential race and Senate control.

Recently, Trump proposed levying higher tariffs on all imported goods, while Biden called for higher tariffs on steel and aluminum from China.

Four sources informed Politico that the Biden administration’s review of Trump’s Section 301 tariffs may be completed as early as this month.

The sources indicated that although no final decision has been made, the Biden administration is likely to increase tariffs on various Chinese products, including electric vehicles, critical minerals used in clean energy technology, certain computer chips, steel, and aluminum.

Prior to this, U.S. Trade Representative Tai also informed Congress that the United States must take “decisive” action to protect the American electric vehicle (EV) industry from the impact of Chinese subsidies.