School security guard injures parent with weapon in Shenzhen.

On September 13th, a security guard violence incident occurred at the entrance of Qianhai Harbor School, part of the Nanshan Experimental Education Group in Shenzhen. After the incident was exposed online, the comment section exploded with reactions.

According to a video shared by netizens, on the afternoon of September 13th, a parent of a student at Qianhai Harbor School was waiting at the school gate to pick up their child. When the parent was asked to step back by the school security guard, the parent’s movements were slow, leading to an argument between the two. Eventually, the security guard resorted to violence.

The video shows the parent being knocked down and unable to get up, with a significant amount of bleeding from the head. Despite this, the security guard not only did not stop but continued to violently strike the parent’s head. Many other parents who were there to pick up their children witnessed the scene, with some parents quickly reprimanding the guard to “stop” and intervening to prevent further harm. Some urged for an ambulance to be called promptly, while others stepped in to help stop the injured parent’s bleeding.

After the incident was exposed online, many netizens expressed their shock and disgust, with comments such as: “I really don’t know what the world is coming to, school security guards hitting parents, and residential security guards hitting homeowners.” “Even in such a situation, continuing to relentlessly beat someone, this is intending to kill, this is murder.” “This society is becoming increasingly frightening.” “Regardless of the reason, this video clearly shows the violent behavior of this security guard. I hope justice will be served. I really hate the profession of security guards.”

Some netizens questioned, “This is too brazen, isn’t it? And it’s a school security guard.” “Is this security? Whose safety do they ensure?” “Who gave them the audacity?”

Others said, “Not many of the guards are actually qualified to enter.” “The whole country is looking forward to the follow-up.”

Subsequently, reporters from Jiemu News attempted to contact multiple public phone numbers of Qianhai Harbor School and Nanshan Experimental Education Group on the morning of September 14th, but no one answered.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Nanshan District Education Bureau reported that after Wang, a parent of a student at Qianhai Harbor School, arrived at the west gate of the school and attempted to enter the school’s secure area, an altercation occurred with the security guard Hou. Wang began recording Hou with a mobile phone, which led to Hou losing control and striking Wang with a pole, causing injuries to Wang’s head and hand.

The report also stated that Wang’s injuries are currently stable, and Hou has been detained by the public security authorities.

According to the official website of Qianhai Harbor School, the school is the first comprehensive public school established in Qianhai Free Trade Zone, offering education from grades one to nine with a total of 66 teaching classes.