San Francisco mayoral candidate Li Aichen: Datong Family can solve social problems.

San Francisco mayoral candidate for the Chinese community, Li Aichen, held a press conference at the Garden Corner on September 20, 2024. She announced that if elected mayor, she would promote the concept of a harmonious world family to address social issues.

During the press conference, Li Aichen urged citizens to support the idea of a harmonious world family and her candidacy for mayor of San Francisco. She emphasized that citizens should look beyond their individual housing needs and consider issues from the perspective of long-term family development.

Li Aichen pointed out that rather than spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on buying a house, it would be better to focus on the long-term interests of the family and promote the concept of a harmonious family.

Before the event started, Li Aichen’s team erected dozens of flags symbolizing “harmony” representing various surnames such as Wu, Luo, Mai, Kong, Su, Lei, Wang, Xu, Jiang, Wu, and others at the Garden Corner. Li Aichen called on citizens to pick up flags representing their own surnames, symbolizing their family.

Li Aichen also referred to the Homestead Act signed by President Lincoln in 1862, which encouraged American citizens to apply for public land, echoing her proposed concept of family territory, aiming to achieve long-term family interests.

Li Aichen claimed that this campaign plan aims to restore the human family system, similar to the wisdom of ancient Chinese sages Huangdi and Shennong.

She outlined the future development blueprint of the harmonious family, including providing comprehensive guarantees such as housing, education, healthcare, and job opportunities nearby for family members to reduce the vulnerability of small families in emergencies. By establishing a solid social structure based on surname families, Li Aichen believes that the harmonious family can shoulder the responsibility of caring for family members and achieve common prosperity.

The founder of this plan is Mr. Xiong Jingchao. He mentioned the idea of Singapore’s founding father Lee Kuan Yew advocating for a family-based social organization, allocating land and government resources to allow each family to own industries and housing. He aims to establish family units consisting of three to five thousand people, develop the economy through standardized organizational methods, and achieve prosperity for everyone. These families will receive land and government status, enabling members to live and work in peace.

Each family will have its own housing, industry, cemetery, ancestral hall, and the ability to cultivate talents, allowing the family to thrive in various aspects. He believes that this model can address issues like poverty, crime, homelessness, and make the world more stable.

Through a reasonable organizational approach, each family can form clans of two thousand people and villages of two hundred people, ultimately creating a vast network of families. Such families can be self-sufficient, develop high-tech industries, and drive economic progress.

He hopes that by this means, every family can receive comprehensive care from birth to death, eliminate homelessness and social security problems. This organizational model is applicable worldwide, allowing everyone to find a sense of belonging and prevent resource waste and social problems. This is not just a personal and family dream but also a vision for achieving a harmonious society.

In an interview with our reporter, Li Aichen emphasized the importance of traditional families. She believes that this plan aligns with fundamental human ethics that a family comes from the union of one man and one woman, while the family structure is facing serious challenges in today’s society, especially in the United States.

She mentioned that since the 1960s, American society has increasingly promoted premarital sex and the culture of having children out of wedlock, resulting in 70% of single-parent families being raised by single mothers. This “fatherless family” structure has affected social stability.

Li Aichen cited her experience from two years ago as an example. In September 2020, she was dismissed by the San Francisco city government for opposing mandatory vaccine policies. At that time, the city government policy required that those who did not get vaccinated could not work, leading to her and thousands of other government employees who refused vaccination being dismissed.

She stressed that it was due to the support of her family that she did not end up homeless. She also mentioned that many homeless people lack family protection, especially those from single-parent households or children without parents.

Li Aichen called for the restoration of traditional family values to address the current social issue of family structural collapse.