Residents of a neighborhood in Jiangsu throw feces from high buildings, all residents test DNA.

Recently, there have been incidents of people throwing objects from high-rise buildings in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, and in another residential area in Jiangxi. Due to the lack of surveillance cameras for high-rise littering in both areas and the absence of eyewitnesses, all residents were required to provide DNA samples for verification. This news has sparked public concern.

According to reports from mainland media on September 22, in recent years, incidents of objects being thrown from high buildings have become a “pain hanging over the city.”

According to the Jiangxi Public Security Bureau, recently in a residential area in Guixi City, Jiangxi Province, a resident riding an electric bike on the street was hit by garbage thrown from an upper floor. Fortunately, the resident was wearing a safety helmet at the time, so there were no injuries, only a slight impact on the head.

After the news spread, residents of the residential area expressed concerns about their safety to the property management. Due to the lack of surveillance cameras for high-rise littering and the absence of eyewitnesses, the management decided to collect DNA information from all residents and compare it with DNA samples taken from the garbage thrown from high floors. Following this news, a man voluntarily turned himself in, and he has now been taken into custody.

Similar incidents have also occurred in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province. Recently, a screenshot of a notice from the property management of Impression Garden residential area in Kunshan City has been circulating online, requesting all residents of a specific building to provide DNA samples.

The screenshot reads: “In response to the request from Wusong River Police Station, feces were thrown from a high floor of Building 36, Unit 1 of Impression Garden, hitting the windows and homes of 101 households. The homeowner has reported to the police, and the police have collected a feces sample for DNA testing. Residents of Building 36, Unit 1 are requested to provide DNA samples for investigation.”

On September 20, a spokesperson for the property management confirmed to Da Wan News that the notice requiring DNA testing was indeed issued by the management and the incident occurred on September 17. As of now, the culprit has not been identified.

Officials from the local Tinglin Urban Management Office in Kunshan City stated that the residential area has over 9,000 households with a complex population makeup, and they will be conducting further verification.

According to Shangguan News, throwing objects from high-rise buildings poses significant dangers. According to expert experiments, a 30-gram egg thrown from the 18th floor can fracture a person’s skull, and from the 25th floor, the impact can be fatal.