Renowned Mainland Chinese Lawyer Zhang Qingfang to Have License Revoked, Drawing Attention

On September 20th, a “punishment notice” circulating online indicated that the well-known Chinese lawyer Zhang Qingfang will have his lawyer’s license revoked.

The notice claimed that in 2024, during the handling of relevant cases, Zhang Qingfang had repeatedly “interfered with case handlers and other lawyers in carrying out their duties in accordance with the law” through methods such as “online hype”; and “incited and instigated relevant individuals to go to regulatory locations”, proposing to impose administrative penalties on Zhang Qingfang by revoking his lawyer’s license.

In response to this, a repost on a rights protection website confirmed by a well-known Chinese rights protection lawyer Pu Zhiqiang stated that the authorities did not first give a one-year suspension of practice but directly revoked Zhang Qingfang’s license.

A netizen named “Xiang Li” on the overseas social platform X remarked that “in China, any lawyer with a bit of integrity and backbone ultimately cannot escape the fate of having their lawyer’s license revoked. This time Zhang Qingfang is no exception.”

After the news spread online, it sparked attention and discussion in the legal community. Zhang Qingfang responded in his personal WeChat circle by saying, “Thank them for their support. The historical honor is my choice, and I accept it gladly.”

51-year-old Zhang Qingfang is a Ph.D. in criminal law from Beijing and a well-known criminal defense lawyer. He founded the Beijing Handing United Law Firm in 2001, and has represented many cases involving officials, earning him the title of a “digging up the ancestors-style defense” lawyer.

The so-called “digging up the ancestors-style defense” refers to when a lawyer exposes the misconduct of the presiding judge or court leadership during a case, applies for the judge and prosecutor to recuse themselves or even turn themselves in, thereby safeguarding the rights of the parties involved. A typical case was that of Zhao Yongwei, former secretary of the Economic Development Zone Working Committee, director of the Land Bureau, and director of the Industry and Information Bureau in Neijiang City, Sichuan province, who was accused of bribery. During the trial, defense lawyer Zhang Qingfang accused the presiding judge Liu Yingjiang of accepting bribes for promotion, causing a temporary suspension of the trial.

Subsequently, Zhang Qingfang gained attention online for his “digging up the ancestors-style defense”. Netizens expressed, “Only recognize lawyers who abide by the law! He has interpreted what the true spirit of the rule of law is with his actions.” “The people need judicial fairness.” “This lawyer is truly serving the people.” “What a great lawyer.” “I suggest watching the Korean movie: Defenders! Is it wrong for a lawyer to use what they have learned to fight against illegal acts?… Thumbs up for this lawyer.” Some expressed concern for Zhang Qingfang, saying, “This lawyer is very dangerous.”

Pu Zhiqiang also advised Zhang Qingfang to “be cautious”, stating that the authorities “cannot tolerate you digging endlessly”. However, Zhang Qingfang responded, “I can always work at the front desk of the law firm!”

Now that Zhang Qingfang’s license is to be revoked, Pu Zhiqiang remarked, “It has come to this point, there is nothing remarkable about it. Those who have nothing to lose are not afraid of those who do. He is not the first to have his license revoked, and he will not be the last. Face it calmly. It’s just that we really don’t need to use more colleagues’ precious licenses to prove what was already obvious.”