Renowned Column: Individual Actions Can Save the World

A consensus seems to be gradually forming. It appears that the civilization we have known for years is on the decline. The current world is increasingly resembling the blunt description by the famous English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) of the time: solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

Readers may agree with this and wonder what can be done about it. But where to start?

Over the past few decades, many aspects of our lives have been steadily improving. Especially in the past four years, we have experienced significant ongoing transformations brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, making it challenging for us to adapt.

Once upon a time, change was generally seen as a good thing: better technology, better information, better tools, more opportunities, and so on.

Since the World Economic Forum (WEF) based in Switzerland introduced the “Great Reset” plan in June 2020, people’s expectations and connotations of change have undergone a dramatic transformation. Regardless of the field, it can be anticipated that changes may trend towards the worse, more decadent, and inferior.

This is a broad description, but we find that it reveals the true face of society, doesn’t it? Prices are the most obvious example. There is nothing where prices decrease and quality improves. The situation is always the opposite. Under normal circumstances, the prices of goods and services rise while quality declines.

Being surrounded by this reality frequently casts a shadow over daily events and choices, affecting our perception of the world. It determines whether we expect dawn or darkness, and these prospects often manifest in one way or another.

Lately, I have been contemplating some small ways we can help prevent social decline. This article delves into that.

There is a small bakery in town run by a kind-hearted woman from Guatemala, Central America. Every day, she crafts the most perfect cookies, pastries, chocolate cake, bread, fruit tarts, and more. This little store miraculously survived the lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic and still maintains high quality and relatively low prices in this era.

I have been in and out of there for years, usually exchanging pleasantries and leaving.

Suddenly, I realized how unique this little shop appears in today’s world, where everyone can buy high standard, high-quality items. In this scenario, I suddenly thought, what if this shop were to close, what then? I have no evidence to suggest this is possible, but I just worry that it might happen someday.

With these thoughts in mind, I decided to inform her in an appropriate way of how wonderful her bakery is, how delicious her food offerings are, how grateful she is, and I also said the same on various review websites to let more people know about her. It’s just a small gesture, but if the days ahead are tough and increasingly unbearable, my note may provide her with a bit of confidence to get through it.

I don’t know if this will have an impact, but maybe it will bring some positivity. I can’t solve the bakery’s basic financial or consumption needs, but perhaps I can offer some spiritual support in a small way.

Every one of us can do this.

Have we shown enough gratitude to the businesses providing goods and services? Do we happily point out to service staff with good attitudes how pleased we are that they speak fluent English, work diligently, and excel at their jobs? Do we engage with neighbors and thank them for being good neighbors? When acquaintances in our lives face difficulties, do we express sympathy? When hotels, restaurants, theaters, etc., hold the line against decline, do we show them appreciation?

We should. Although it may seem insignificant, it can change people’s lives. It requires us to support the good deeds of others with our personal opinions and voices, instead of just expressing regret and condemnation for everything wrong around us.

In stark contrast, a few days ago, I visited a large art venue of significant historical importance (name omitted). They had just introduced a new feature: the main building’s huge restroom can now accommodate all genders and gender expressions, whatever that means. Men and women line up together, entering the same restroom area, going in and out of different stalls. This seems to be the only option for people.

I can assure you: most customers were extremely frustrated, horrified, disoriented, speechless, and furious. No one spoke to others, no interactions, and no one lingered to tidy up in front of a mirror afterward. Everyone just hurried in and out in a panic.

Clearly, everyone was wondering: what on earth is happening here when it becomes intolerable to distinguish between men and women politically?

Instead of just getting angry like most others, I decided to write an explanation. Yes, I took some time and effort to explain how their practices defied the customers’ wishes. They chose to push certain significant political viewpoints while disregarding biological reality; as a result, they risk stigmatizing anyone with traditional tendencies, whether religious or otherwise. Undoubtedly, this is futile. Offering gender-fluid choices is one thing, forcing everyone to only choose that option is another.

My note was not meant to convey anger, just to let them know my thoughts. Will this bring about change? I don’t know, but perhaps my note, along with hundreds of others, might inspire behavioral changes towards more respect for customers. Clearly, this large institution has been troubled and manipulated by a small group to carry out completely insane behaviors. Why did they choose to concede? Because there weren’t enough people standing on the other side to stop these actions.

I realized that if we don’t speak out from the small details, decline will continue without any pushback. If there is to be resistance, someone must step up and take action.

At the same time, I began to appreciate institutions and individuals who uphold values of a good life, including quality service, proper attire, emphasis on quality, and genuine pursuit of excellence, etc. When we encounter such examples in life, we can generously acknowledge them and express appreciation to those involved.

You can even decide to support those you believe are making the utmost effort to resist social decline when choosing where to consume. This can be in any situation, like tradesmen fixing your house, someone helping others cross the street, a person offering their seat to an elderly person on a train, or assisting someone with their luggage on a plane, and other individuals upholding positive social values.

Of course, the same applies to our choices in friendships and social settings. Encourage good deeds, deter evil acts. This is how we uphold and rebuild good manners and social order.

Moreover, we can all do these things on our own. We don’t need to establish an organization or become a famous activist on TV. We can make small choices in our lives, do more good.

Instead of succumbing to a decadent attitude, believing that the next step is darkness and giving in to decay, why not live on with the determination to ensure that all these gloomy events won’t happen. Each one of us can do something, even if it is small, but these actions could make a significant difference.

Once we start paying attention to signs of those trying to improve rather than destroy the world, we will find them everywhere in society. Sometimes, offering a little support can ensure that righteousness continues in the world. Rewarding good deeds, opposing bad ones: everyone can start from small things.

Undoubtedly, we need greater changes to save the world. Most importantly, we need to respect freedom and rights anew, which require massive political reform. However, we cannot solely rely on this. A trickle can form a river, and more and more small changes will lead to significant change. Some lifestyle aspects are within our control, and in that regard, everyone can strive to be part of societal change.