Rare Floods in Guangdong Surge onto Highway and Break Iron Cable Bridge.

In recent days, there have been widespread heavy rainstorms in many parts of Guangdong. Among them, Qingyuan City was hit by violent flash floods, with highways and numerous roads submerged; cars were swept away under bridges; and even suspension bridges were washed away by the floodwaters.

On the morning of April 21st, except for Zhanjiang and some areas in eastern Guangdong, the entire province of Guangdong was covered by a system of thunderstorm clouds; a total of 70 heavy rain warnings were issued, with 65 thunderstorm and strong wind warnings in effect. The Guangzhou Tower was struck by lightning six times within one hour.

According to a report by Southern Metropolis Daily on the evening of April 20th, there was intense rainfall in the northern parts of Guangdong such as Shaoguan and Qingyuan. Mr. Mai, a resident of Yangshan County in Qingyuan, said, “From the night of the 19th to the morning of the 20th, the water in Yangshan County was about 80 centimeters deep, and by the morning of the 20th, the entire area was flooded, with some vehicles being washed away by the floodwater.”

It is forecasted that heavy rainfall will continue in Qingyuan from April 20th to 22nd. It is predicted that the Beijiang River will experience its second numbered flood of the year since the beginning of the flood season, affecting the operation of some conventional speed trains.

On April 20th, a viral video showed localized heavy rain and even torrential rain in Qingyuan, causing water to enter the compartments of high-speed trains passing through Qingyuan, leading to disruptions and turn-backs of several trains that stopped at Qingyuan Station.

According to online posts by netizens, Qingyuan experienced unprecedented heavy rains from the night of the 19th to the morning of the 20th, with some areas even facing torrential rain. The flash floods were fierce, resembling wild beasts rushing onto highways, submerging numerous roads and leading to water entering the high-speed train compartments. The scene was described as heart-stopping.

From videos captured by netizens on-site, highways turned into raging rivers, with vehicles floating like small boats that could be swallowed by the floodwaters at any moment.

However, the responsible person at the Qingyuan High-Speed Railway Station told the Qingyuan Daily that the viral video circulating online did not depict an incident on the high-speed train passing through Qingyuan. The weather from 8 a.m. on the 18th to 8 a.m. on the 20th did not affect the operation of the high-speed rail within Qingyuan.

Mainland official media reports downplayed the situation, stating that heavy rain in Qingyuan, Guangdong, led to a large amount of swift currents in villages, trapping many elderly and children who had to request assistance. The continuous rainfall process in Yingde City of Qingyuan led to several areas being attacked by heavy rain, resulting in some houses being flooded and villages inundated, leaving people trapped.

According to a report by the Beijing News, from April 19th to 20th, four hydrological stations in Qingyuan, Guangdong, exceeded the alert level, with accumulated rainfall exceeding 250 millimeters at 24 stations. Cars were swept away under bridges, and suspension bridges were washed away by the floodwaters.

With 70 heavy rain warnings in effect in Guangdong, some rivers have already experienced floods beyond the alert level.

Reports state that on the morning of April 21st, except for Zhanjiang and some areas in eastern Guangdong, the entire province continues to be covered by a system of thunderstorm clouds; with a total of 70 heavy rain warnings and 65 thunderstorm and strong wind warnings in effect.

Several rivers have already experienced floods beyond the alert level. The overflow gates of the Feilai Canyon Water Conservancy Hub in Qingyuan have been fully opened and are in a state of discharge.

It is expected that in the coming days, there will continue to be heavy rainfall in northern Guangdong and the northern part of the Pearl River Delta.

On April 20th, heavy rain in Shaoguan, Guangdong caused flooding, with a large number of houses and cars submerged, leaving floodwaters rising above people’s necks after the storm. A video of a man pushing an electric vehicle through the water gained attention online.

Also, on April 21st, “Guangzhou Tower struck by lightning six times within one hour” continued to trend at the top of search rankings.

Reports indicate that from 7 pm to 8 pm on April 20th, the Guangzhou Tower was frequently struck by lightning, with the lightning detection system capturing six lightning events on optical imaging.

Some rivers in Guangdong have already experienced floods beyond the alert level. Guangzhou City has upgraded its meteorological disaster (thunderstorm and strong wind) emergency response notification.

It is expected that in the coming days, there will continue to be heavy rainfall in northern Guangdong and the northern part of the Pearl River Delta.