Prevention is the Best Way to Deal with Disasters: Tzu Chi Hosts “Family Safety Expo”

On April 21, 2024, the Northern California chapter of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation held a “Family Safety Expo” at the Tzu Chi office in San Jose. Over six hundred people attended this event.

Among the distinguished guests present at the event were Huang Qizhen, Executive Director of the Northern California chapter of the Tzu Chi Foundation, Lai Mingqi, Director of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco, Zhuang Yashu, Director of the Bay Area Chinese Cultural and Educational Services Center, Joanna Zhao, Mayor of Saratoga, Gao Xujia, Mayor of Fremont, Wei Hong, Council Member of Cupettino City, Cao Dichung, Vice Chairman of the Tzu Chi Foundation USA, and Wang Changtai, President of the Northern California Overseas Chinese Care Association.

Huang Qizhen emphasized in her speech that family safety is a crucial issue that not only concerns individuals but also impacts entire families and communities. She expressed gratitude to the emergency response team and all volunteers for their efforts in organizing the event. She warmly welcomed everyone to participate in the Family Safety Expo, hoping it would be a productive and enjoyable event.

Lai Mingqi mentioned the collaboration between Tzu Chi, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, government agencies, and other organizations, expressing gratitude for Tzu Chi’s assistance to fellow Taiwanese compatriots. He acknowledged Tzu Chi’s distribution of care packages in the community, provision of vegetarian meals, and fundraising support for disaster-affected residents in Hualien, which has benefited many individuals. Lai appreciated Tzu Chi for organizing the event to educate people on how to handle various disasters.

Zhuang Yashu stressed the significance and purpose of the Family Safety Expo organized by the Tzu Chi Foundation, especially in light of recent natural disasters and accidents. She urged everyone to learn how to respond to emergencies collectively and hoped that the expo would provide emergency preparedness knowledge to the overseas Taiwanese community, ensuring community safety through joint efforts.

Joanna Zhao expressed gratitude to the Tzu Chi Foundation for not only providing charitable relief but also offering essential knowledge and skills to the public to create a safe and prosperous environment. On behalf of Saratoga City, she presented a certificate of appreciation to acknowledge Tzu Chi’s significant contributions to their community.

Gao Xujia commended the collaboration between the Tzu Chi Foundation and the city, particularly the efforts and commitments made in addressing challenges faced by small businesses. She highlighted the importance of environmental preparedness and team cooperation, wishing to bring more opportunities and resources to the community through the expo. Gao presented a certificate to the Tzu Chi Foundation in appreciation of their contributions.

Wei Hong expressed that Tzu Chi is not just a belief but a way of life that provides vital support for the safety and well-being of today’s community residents. She thanked Tzu Chi’s brothers and sisters for their contributions on a global scale and emphasized that their efforts have had a positive impact not only in Northern California but worldwide. Wei Hong awarded a certificate to the foundation as a gesture of encouragement.

During the morning session of the Family Safety Expo, forums on “Medical Health” and “Natural Disaster Preparedness” were held. Expert teams provided insights on preventive health measures for family members and emergency procedures, as well as knowledge on emergency preparedness before natural disasters.

In the afternoon, thematic speeches were arranged at the Family Safety Expo, covering topics such as public safety and store robberies, fraud prevention, cyber-attack defense, and California security preparedness measures. Additionally, a demonstration and practice session on “Hands-Only CPR” were conducted.

The Tzu Chi Foundation also set up booths for 18 organizations at the expo, including the “New Hope Chinese Cancer Care Foundation,” “Chinese Health Promotion Association,” “Alzheimer’s Association,” and “Emergency Response Team – San Jose Community.”