President Tsai Ing-wen of the Republic of China delivers National Day speech: Upholding sovereignty is non-negotiable.

On October 10th, President Tsai Ing-wen of the Republic of China delivered a National Day speech with the theme “Unite Taiwan, Achieve Dreams.” In his address, President Tsai emphasized his mission as the President to safeguard the country’s survival and development, unite the 23 million people of Taiwan, and uphold national sovereignty against infringement.

President Tsai delivered the National Day speech at the “ROC Mainland and All Sectors Celebrate the 113th National Day Grand Ceremony” held at the plaza in front of the Presidential Office on October 10th. The full transcript reads as follows:

Chairman of the General Assembly, Prime Minister Han Kuo-yu, Vice President Xiao Meiqin, Premier Su Tseng-chang, Prime Ministers of Tuvalu and Fiji, heads of congratulatory delegations from allies and friendly countries, distinguished guests from home and abroad watching on TV and live stream, and fellow citizens of Taiwan: greetings to everyone!

Today, we gather to celebrate the happy birthday of the Republic of China and cheer for the beautiful Taiwan of today as we look towards an even brighter future. 113 years ago, a group of people full of ideals and aspirations rose up and overthrew the imperial rule. Their dream was to establish a democratic republic where the people have a say, where governance belongs to the people, and where everyone enjoys the fruits of democracy. However, these democratic dreams were once engulfed in flames of war, and the ideals of freedom were eroded under authoritarian rule.

Nevertheless, we will never forget the Battle of Guningtou 75 years ago, the Battle of 823 66 years ago. We, regardless of order, regardless of ethnic groups, defended Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu, and we upheld the Republic of China. We will never forget the “Kaohsiung Event” 45 years ago, and a series of democratic movements since then. Wave after wave of people with democratic and freedom dreams, unafraid of sacrifice, pushed open the door to democracy with their lives. After over a hundred years, the people’s desire to be masters of their own destiny has finally come to fruition.

Fellow Taiwanese, the Republic of China was once expelled from the international community; however, the Taiwanese people have never exiled themselves. When our friends faced natural disasters and pandemics, we reached out without hesitation to offer assistance. “Taiwan Can Help!” is not just a slogan; it is the action of Taiwanese people who love peace and goodwill towards others.

In the past, Taiwanese people traveled the world with a suitcase, paving the way for Taiwan’s economic achievements. Now, Taiwan’s technology drives the world with a single chip, becoming a global force for prosperity. Taiwanese people are diverse and fearless – our Nafisa Ye is the world’s queen, and Taiwan’s daughter Lin Yu-ting is the world boxing champion.

17-year-old Tsai Yun-rong, with steady hands, won the glory of being the world’s top woodworker; 20-year-old Chen Si-yuan, inheriting his father’s skills, won the world championship in refrigeration and air conditioning. The young people of the new generation of “Made in Taiwan” once again showcase the label “Made in Taiwan, Made in Taiwan.”

I want to thank generations of Taiwanese people who have sailed together through storms and stood in solidarity. Now, the Republic of China has taken root in Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu, and does not belong to the People’s Republic of China. Democracy and freedom have thrived on this land, with the People’s Republic of China having no authority to represent Taiwan. The 23 million Taiwanese people must also branch out globally, facing the future.

Fellow citizens, we have overcome one challenge after another, with the Republic of China standing strong and the Taiwanese people unwavering. We understand each other’s differences but are always willing to accommodate one another. We are aware of our differing opinions but are always ready to move forward together, thus forming the face of Taiwan as the Republic of China today.

As President, my mission is to safeguard the country’s survival and development, unite the 23 million people of Taiwan, and uphold national sovereignty against infringement. My mission also includes protecting the lives and properties of all citizens, steadfastly executing the “Four Major Pillars of Peace” action plan, strengthening national defense, standing shoulder to shoulder with democratic countries and leveraging deterrence, ensuring peace through strength for generations to come.

Furthermore, my mission involves taking care of the livelihoods of the 23 million people of Taiwan, actively developing the economy, expanding investments in social welfare, and ensuring that the fruits of economic development are shared by all. However, the challenges facing the nation have not stopped, and global challenges are Taiwan’s challenges too. Global climate change impacts sustainable development worldwide; sudden pandemics affect the health and lives of all humanity; and the expansion of authoritarianism challenges the rules-based international order, threatening the hard-earned democratic and free way of life.

Therefore, I have established the “National Climate Change Response Committee,” the “Healthy Taiwan Promotion Committee,” and the “All-Society Defense Resilience Committee” at the Presidential Office. These three committees are interrelated and crucial to “national resilience,” aiming to build a stronger and more resilient Taiwan to actively address challenges and deepen Taiwan’s cooperation with the international community.

We will strengthen Taiwan’s adaptation mechanisms to extreme climate risks and continue to promote the “Second Energy Transition” to ensure stable electricity supply. Through the development of diverse green energy, deep energy conservation, and advanced energy storage, we will steadily progress towards the global goal of “2050 Net Zero Transformation.” We will effectively combat international infectious diseases, increase the average lifespan of citizens, reduce unhealthy years, and promote medical equality to ensure the health of the people, strengthen the country, and make the world embrace Taiwan.

Furthermore, we will enhance the overall national resilience in terms of “defense,” “livelihood,” “disaster prevention,” and “democracy.” The more united the people of Taiwan are, the more stable the country will be; the more prepared Taiwanese society is, the safer the nation will be, and the Taiwan Strait will be more peaceful and stable.

Taiwan is determined to uphold peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, contribute to global security and prosperity, and is willing to work with China to address climate change, prevent infectious diseases, and maintain regional security, promoting peace and prosperity for both sides and benefiting the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

For a long time, countries worldwide have supported China, invested in China, and aided China’s accession to the World Trade Organization, all in the hope that China will contribute to the world and prioritize the well-being of its citizens while safeguarding peace externally.

In the current tense international situation, with numerous innocent lives lost daily in the flames of war, we hope that China will respond to the expectations of the international community, exert its influence, work with countries worldwide to end the Ukraine-Russia war and conflicts in the Middle East, and shoulder international responsibilities together with Taiwan to contribute to regional and global peace, security, and prosperity.

In an era of increasing international turmoil, Taiwan will remain calm, confident, and robust, becoming a force for regional peace, stability, and prosperity. I believe that a stronger democratic Taiwan is not only the ideal of the 23 million people but also the expectation of the international community. We will continue to strengthen Taiwan and drive cross-sectoral economic development forward!

Taiwan’s economic strength is not a miracle but the result of the collective efforts of the entire nation. We aim to focus on “innovative economy,” “balanced Taiwan,” and “inclusive growth” as our goals, seize changes in global trends, and continue to maintain Taiwan’s crucial position in the global democratic supply chain.

In the future, in addition to the “5+2” industry innovation strategy and the “six core strategic industries,” Taiwan’s semiconductor, artificial intelligence, defense, security, and next-generation communication industries, the “five trustworthy industries,” will flourish and extend globally. We will also promote the transformation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises for global marketing.

Fellow citizens, we will continue to implement balanced development across regions! In the central government’s budget for the coming year, general subsidies to local governments and the distribution of general consolidated tax revenue will increase significantly by 89.5 billion, reaching a total of 724.1 billion, setting a new record. Additionally, the water management budget will increase by 15.9 billion compared to the current year, reaching a total of 55.1 billion to help all counties and cities nationwide cope with extreme climate challenges.

We will expedite the enhancement of national road safety and create a “people-oriented” transportation environment. Simultaneously, we will improve the metro network, connecting the northern, northwestern, and Taoyuan metropolitan circles, promote the “Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli Greater Silicon Valley Initiative,” establish a central technological enclave linking the north and south, launch the “Smart Technology Big Southern Industrial Ecosystem Promotion Plan,” and accelerate the safety of eastern transportation networks for eastern residents to have safer routes home. Additionally, we will strengthen the infrastructure of outlying islands to enhance living standards and tourism potential.

Fellow citizens, we must implement intergenerational care for our people! For young parents, we will continue to push forward with the “National Childcare 2.0 for 0 to 6-year-olds” program and have increased childcare subsidies, and we will also improve the quality of kindergarten services. Children are the future of the country, and the government has a duty to help care for them.

For young students, we will continue the policy of free high school education and further assist in subsidizing tuition for students at private colleges and universities. We have also established the “Youth Billion Overseas Dream Fund,” as the dreams of our young friends are the government’s responsibility to help realize.

For young adults, next year will see another increase in the basic wage, and the number of rent subsidy recipients will also rise. We will expand social investment pillars in aspects such as life, work, residence, health, elderly support, etc., to provide more support. The government is obliged to alleviate the financial burden of young adults and their families. The country’s grandparents will soon enter the “super-aged society.” We will early initiate the “Long-Term Care 3.0” and gradually implement the “888 Plan” for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.

We will establish the “Billion Cancer New Drug Fund,” promote the “Health Taiwan Deep Cultivation Plan,” strengthen the social safety net, enhance care for vulnerable groups, and implement mental health support for various age groups, to concretely practice comprehensive care for all individuals, all ages, and all levels of society. I understand that the issue most concerning to everyone is the pressure of high housing prices, and the most despicable issue is the rampant fraud. I promise the people that the governing team will not evade these issues, even if it means offending specific groups!

We will intensify efforts against fraud, increase efficiency in combating property speculation, and expand care for renters while balancing the needs of those seeking new homes. We will continue to work towards achieving “housing justice” together!

Today, former Presidents Chen Shui-bian, Tsai Ing-wen, and leaders of different political parties are present, and I want to thank everyone for their participation. This represents the strength accumulated by generations of the nation and the diverse democratic values and significance of Taiwan.

The nation must unite, and society must be stable. I am grateful to Premier Han Kuo-yu and Premier Su Tseng-chang for starting cooperation between parties, which will lead to consultations between the ruling and opposition parties. In a democratic country, political parties compete internally, driving national progress through competition and uniting externally to seek national interests. Regardless of our political affiliations or beliefs, national interests will always outweigh party interests, and party interests must never supersede the interests of the people.

This is the spirit held by the predecessors who founded the Republic of China, sacrificing themselves for democracy and fighting for freedom. Breaking free from authoritarianism, sacrificing and pursuing democracy, they have inspired generations of Taiwanese. Therefore, today we gather here regardless of political party, ethnicity, or background.

Whether we prefer to call our country the Republic of China, Taiwan, or the Republic of China Taiwan, we must share a common belief: our determination to defend national sovereignty remains unwavering. Our efforts to maintain the peaceful and stable status quo in the Taiwan Strait are unchanged. Our commitment to equal dignity, healthy and orderly dialogue and exchanges across the strait remains unwavering. Our persistence for generations to protect the democratic and free way of life is unchanging.

I believe this is the collective dream of Taiwan’s 23 million people and a shared ideal of Taiwanese society and the international community. The more steadfast the Taiwanese people are, the stronger global democracy becomes! The more resolute Taiwanese people are, the more enduring global democracy becomes! Long live the Republic of China! Long live Taiwan! Together, let’s forge ahead! Thank you all.