Pregnant Woman in Hefei Complains of Fresh Blood in Yogurt, Bright Dairy Responds: Individual Case

In recent days, a pregnant woman in Hefei, Anhui, discovered what appeared to be fresh blood in yogurt with a bloody taste. This incident has sparked concern, prompting the producer, Bright Dairy, to respond that it is an isolated case, attracting attention.

Mrs. Liu from Hefei, Anhui, purchased a box of Bright Moseley yogurt at the Baile supermarket in the Shuangfeng Industrial Zone, with a production date of July 15, 2024. When she drank it on the night of October 14, she found what seemed to be fresh blood inside and detected a bloody taste.

As a pregnant woman, Mrs. Liu was afraid of contracting diseases that could affect her fetus. After seeking medical attention, she was informed that she would need a blood test four weeks later. The doctor even suggested that she be hospitalized for observation, leading her to spend over 4,000 yuan due to this incident.

Bright Dairy responded on the complaint platform, stating that after self-inspection, the production process, product inspection before leaving the factory, and re-inspection of retained products from the same batch were all normal and qualified, deeming this consumer complaint as an isolated case.

The pregnant woman revealed that Bright Dairy promised compensation of 10,000 yuan and requested her to delete the Weibo post. Out of trust in the company, Mrs. Liu deleted the Weibo post but did not receive the promised 10,000 yuan.

This incident has since garnered attention on social media platforms.

Some netizens expressed their experiences such as finding vegetable leaves in milk, greenish substances in refrigerated yogurt, and recalling past food safety incidents involving major dairy brands like Bright Dairy, Mengniu, and Yili.

Some netizens speculate that the presence of fresh blood in the yogurt may be due to the individual’s bleeding gums, allowing blood to enter the packaging. Meanwhile, others question the credibility of Bright Dairy’s response and their commitment to consumer rights and corporate reputation.

According to reports, Bright Moseley is a high-end yogurt brand launched by Bright Dairy; however, in recent times, high-end yogurt brands have faced numerous controversies. For example, complaints about off-flavors and tastes resembling disinfectants were raised against a popular yogurt brand, stirring public attention.

Bright Dairy has accumulated over 400 related complaints on the Heimao platform, involving issues such as inconsistent expiration dates, product deterioration, foreign objects found in products, and false advertising. Similarly, 171 complaints have been filed against Bright Dairy on the national consumer complaint information disclosure platform 12315, with many consumers suspecting food safety problems and demanding compensation for losses.

It is worth noting that the high-end yogurt market has seen an increase in product incidents, with consumers raising concerns about product quality and safety. In light of these recent events, consumer trust in the yogurt industry is crucial for maintaining a safe and reliable market for dairy products.