Practical Alumni Association of Northern California Holds 2024 Annual Meeting and President Handover Ceremony

The Alumni Association of Northern California University of Practice held its annual meeting and president handover ceremony on June 29th in the South Bay. The newly appointed president, Li Xinbing, succeeded the outgoing president, Jiang Yuhui. The event attracted nearly 300 guests, setting a new record for the alumni association.

The day saw the attendance of distinguished guests such as Lai Mingqi, Director of the Taiwan Office in San Francisco, Zhuang Yashu, Director of the Overseas Compatriot Education Center, Zhang Mamaimei, President of the North American Alumni Association of the University of Practice, Lu Yuzhen, Overseas Chinese Affairs Advisory Committee member, and many other community leaders.

Outgoing president Jiang Yuhui mentioned that although the number of alumni from the University of Practice in the Bay Area may be small, many talented individuals have emerged in various fields. Numerous outstanding alumni actively participate in overseas Chinese communities, offering their talents and abilities as volunteers, which has been the most profound experience during her two-year term. She expressed her pride and honor as an alumni of the University of Practice.

She further stated that over the years, there has been a desire to expand the scale of the annual meeting, and this year, that desire was finally realized. In 2024, the annual meeting of the Northern California University of Practice Alumni Association attracted nearly three hundred participants, setting a new record for alumni events in the Bay Area.

Director Lai Mingqi expressed that it was his first time attending an event hosted by the University of Practice Alumni Association and if he remains in office next year and receives an invitation, he will definitely attend again. He noted that although the number of University of Practice alumni may be small, their outstanding performance in various fields, such as writers, dancers, and engineers, along with their active involvement in associations, left a deep impression on him.

Director Zhuang Yashu delivered a speech thanking the University of Practice Alumni Association for its support and contributions to various overseas community activities. The University of Practice has nurtured many talents in design and business management fields, and President Jiang Yuhui added much joy to the overseas Chinese community during her tenure. She believed that the new president would continue to lead the alumni in better serving society.

At the annual meeting, Director Lai’s wife, Yun Wenzhen, kickstarted the performances with a rendition of “Stealing Hearts.” This was followed by a fashion show by the alumni association, a Vietnamese costume showcase, as well as exciting dance performances by Wind Feathers, the Line Dance Association, and the Most Beautiful Dance Troupe. The event also featured lively band performances, dances, a ball, and raffle activities.