Photo Series: Taipei Ceremony Commemorating Confucius’ Birthday Highlights Respect for Teachers and Ancestral Worship.

Taipei City commemorated the 2574th anniversary of the birth of the great sage and teacher, Confucius, at the Confucius Temple today (September 28). Taipei Mayor, Jiang Wan’an, served as the “chief presenter,” while Confucius’ 79th generation descendant, Kong Chuizhang, served as the “offering presenter.” Under the guidance of the ritual guide, they offered incense and performed three bows before the spiritual seat of Confucius in the Dacheng Hall, followed by music performance offering, solemnly displaying the reverence for the master and respect for principles.

The “Taipei City Commemoration Ceremony for the 2574th Anniversary of the Birth of the Great Sage Confucius,” took place at Taipei Confucius Temple early this morning at 6 o’clock. The Taipei Confucius Temple stated that this annual event of Confucian cultural significance upholds the ritual spirit of the Sannian Ancient Ceremony, gathering guests from around the world and local representatives to pay deep respects to Confucius.

The solemn offering ceremony follows the national-level Sannian Ancient Ceremony consisting of 37 ritual steps, aiming to carry on the cultural tradition of the Confucian ceremony and promote the educational spirit of respecting teachers and ethics. It attracts individuals and groups from around the world who are passionate about Confucianism to appreciate the profound beauty of Confucian culture. International groups such as the Public Welfare Foundation of Japan Moral Education, Japan Lunyu Promotion Association, Dartmouth College in the United States, and Korea’s Quzhou Kong Clan Fishing Village Delegation have traveled far to participate in the Confucian celebration.

This year, Taipei Mayor Jiang Wan’an once again assumed the role of the “chief presenter,” with Confucius’ 79th generation descendant Kong Chuizhang as the “offering presenter.” Descendants of the donors to the Temple, Gu Hongyi, Chen Chiyang, Director of the Education Bureau Tang Zhiming, Director of the Fire Department Mo Huaizu, Director of the Archives Museum Deng Wenzong, along with international friends such as Matsumoto Hiroshi, director of the Public Welfare Foundation of Japan Moral Education, and Ohara Kunio, a representative of the Japan Lunyu Promotion Association, served as the “assistant presenters”; while Taipei City councilors Lin Xinger, Lin Zhenyu, Chen Yijun, and Wang Xiaowei attended as “accompanying presenters.”

Mayor Jiang Wan’an attended the annual Confucius ritual today, paying the highest respect to teachers and educators. He emphasized the significance of Taipei Confucius Temple in promoting traditional Confucian culture and thanked all citizens who attended the ceremony, acknowledging their support for the Temple’s efforts in promoting Confucian cultural education. On the occasion of Teacher’s Day, the city government expresses gratitude to all educators for their hard work in providing a happy and safe learning environment for children, wishing all teachers a Happy Teacher’s Day.

The Taipei Confucius Temple stated that the ceremonial offerings were meticulously prepared and presented in the most solemn and magnificent manner. The ritual attendants were local scholars, students from Ming Lun High School and Lishan High School serving as ritual companions, with the music attendants provided by students from Chongqing Junior High School, playing ancient music guided by teacher Sun Ruijin, conveying melodious tunes to enhance the solemn atmosphere of the ceremony, demonstrating cultural heritage. The dance attendants were led by teacher Cai Fucun of Dalong Elementary School’s dance troupe, performing meticulously rehearsed dance movements with grace and dignity.

After the offering ceremony, attendees were able to exchange limited edition exquisite souvenirs, the “Time Passage Paperweight,” with their participation certificate at Taipei Confucius Temple. This unique paperweight design, inspired by the historical context of the Taipei Confucius Temple, contains golden sand symbolizing precious time, decorated with auspicious animals like koi fish, tortoises, and dragons, symbolizing good fortune. The popularity of the paperweight bearing blessings of success and prosperity, filled with stories and blessings, received high praise, becoming the highlight of this year’s event.

This year, Taipei Confucius Temple collaborated with the century-old famous shop in Datong District, “Li Tingxiang,” to create a custom-made intelligent cake. The surface of the cake is engraved with the combined calligraphy of “Learn from Confucius and Mencius” by the calligraphy master of Taipei Confucius Temple, symbolizing the spirit of diligent learning like Confucius and Mencius. This meaningful gift hopes that all participants can experience the profound cultural heritage and contemporary fusion of Confucianism.

The Taipei Confucius Temple emphasized that the offering ceremony is not only about the inheritance of Confucian thoughts but also a cultural feast that bridges the past and present, transcending national boundaries. It symbolizes the continuing influence and infinite charm of Confucian spirit in modern society, welcoming people to experience the enduring Confucian atmosphere at Taipei Confucius Temple.