Philippine and US forces to hold joint exercise to train to recapture islands

Manila’s focus shifting towards external defense, the Philippines and the US military will conduct joint military exercises starting next week in areas facing Taiwan and the South China Sea to simulate the recapture of islands occupied by enemy forces.

According to Reuters, the annual “Balikatan” exercise, with 16,700 soldiers participating, will run from April 22 to May 10. They will undergo training in maritime security, air defense and missile defense, dynamic missile strikes, cyber defense, and information warfare.

Lieutenant Colonel Michael Logico, in charge of overseeing the exercises, stated that “this will be the first maritime exercise conducted outside Philippine waters,” with the aim of enhancing mutual coordination between the two armies.

As these military exercises take place, China’s recent actions in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait have become increasingly aggressive, leading to escalating tensions between the US and China.

Regarding the planned exercises, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned the Philippines to “realize soberly that flaunting military power and provoking confrontations by courting extraterritorial forces in the South China Sea will only exacerbate tensions and disrupt regional stability.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said during a regular press conference, “The attempt by the Philippines to bring in external forces to uphold its so-called security will only lead to greater insecurity,” urging the Philippines to cease maritime provocations and calling on relevant extraterritorial countries to stop stirring up conflicts in the South China Sea.

Colonel Logico mentioned that US forces and their Manila counterparts will simulate the recapture of islands occupied by hostile forces, located in the northernmost part of the Philippines, near Taiwan and the Palawan province, westward facing the South China Sea.

A French small team will also participate in this year’s exercises, deploying a frigate to navigate jointly with Philippine and US Navy ships within Manila’s exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea, the first such deployment since the annual exercises began in 1991.

Logico stated that around 14 countries will participate as observers in the exercises, including Japan, India, ASEAN countries, and the European Union.

Similar to last year, the exercises next week will attempt to sink a simulated enemy vessel in the northern city of Laoag in Ilocos province.

Responsibility Editor: Li Lin#