Persist and Resist: A Falun Dafa Practitioner’s Journey of Cultivation

On April 25th this year, it will mark the 25th anniversary of the peaceful appeal of over ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners to the central government in Zhongnanhai. It also signifies the 25th year of the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong. Epoch Times interviewed Dai Dongwu, a Falun Gong practitioner currently living in Northern California, to gain insight into his experiences.

Dai Dongwu, a native of Boxing, Shandong, is a devoted practitioner of Falun Dafa. The practice of Falun Dafa has transformed him into a good and noble individual. Despite facing brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist regime for his adherence to the practice while in China, Dai remains steadfast in his beliefs.

In September 2023, Dai and his wife immigrated to the United States, reflecting on his years of practice in China with mixed emotions. In 1994, Dai had the opportunity to attend two teaching sessions by Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, which marked the beginning of his spiritual journey with the practice.

Having seen a magazine featuring Master Li Hongzhi’s early photo on the cover, Dai was deeply moved by the sense of compassion and tranquility exuded by the image. This sparked his keen interest in Falun Gong and the desire to learn more about the practice.

As fate would have it, Dai came across an advertisement on the television for a Falun Gong workshop in Dongying. Encountering the ad twice on separate occasions further convinced him of the serendipitous nature of his decision to participate in the teachings by Master Li.

On the second day of the workshop, Dai was struck by the profound teachings and immediately called three friends to join. However, one friend was mysteriously called away just as they were about to depart, a coincidence that left Dai feeling exceptionally fortunate and spiritually enlightened.

Master Li’s teachings during the workshop not only educated the participants but also cleansed their bodies energetically. Dai recalled feeling extreme temperature fluctuations in his body after the classes, unaware at the time that it was part of the purification process initiated by Master Li.

Additionally, Dai shared a poignant memory of a gathering where Master Li imparted wisdom and compassion upon his disciples, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees. This encounter further deepened Dai’s dedication to the principles of Falun Gong.

Upon returning to his hometown from the teachings, Dai took up a leadership role as a local instructor, guiding fellow practitioners in their spiritual journey. Engaging in daily study sessions and exercise routines, Dai felt a sense of purpose and duty in spreading the teachings of Falun Gong.

However, Dai’s unwavering commitment led to his detention and subsequent sentencing to labor camp for three years under the Chinese regime’s violent crackdown on Falun Gong. Despite enduring cruel treatment and psychological torture, Dai persisted in his beliefs and advocacy for the truth.

Upon his release, Dai continued to disseminate information about the persecution faced by Falun Gong practitioners, facing constant surveillance and harassment from local authorities. His resilience and dedication to the cause have made him a target, but also a symbol of courage and determination within the Falun Gong community.

In 2014, Dai was unlawfully abducted and subjected to ten days and nights of torture by corrupt police officers, highlighting the ongoing brutality faced by Falun Gong practitioners in China. Despite the physical and emotional trauma, Dai’s spirit remained unbroken, inspiring others with his unwavering resolve.

Dai’s journey towards freedom and truth eventually led him to the United States, where he continues to advocate for Falun Gong and raise awareness about the persecution faced by practitioners in China. His move to the US has granted him the opportunity to practice Falun Gong openly and without fear, bringing him a sense of peace and fulfillment.

Reflecting on his experiences, Dai expressed his gratitude for being a Falun Gong practitioner and pledged to dedicate his efforts towards spreading awareness and enlightenment. He remains steadfast in his belief that by upholding the practice and revealing the truth, more individuals can find solace, hope, and positive energy amidst adversity.

Dai’s unwavering commitment to the principles of Falun Gong serves as a beacon of hope and resilience for practitioners worldwide, embodying the values of compassion, perseverance, and spiritual enlightenment. Through his ongoing efforts, Dai continues to inspire others and contribute to the pursuit of peace, happiness, and mutual progress for all humankind.