Paraguay Senate President Meets with Lai Ching-te: to Further Enhance Paraguay-Taiwan Relations

【Epoch Times, April 16, 2024】(Reporter Chung Yuan reporting from Taiwan) The President of the Senate of the Republic of Paraguay, Silvio Adalberto Ovelar Benítez, led a delegation to visit the soon-to-be President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Lai Ching-te today (16th). Ovelar expressed that Paraguay unconditionally supports Taiwan and will also support Taiwan’s international participation. They will continue to deepen the bilateral relationship between Paraguay and Taiwan.

Vice President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Lai Ching-te met with “the delegation led by the President of the National Parliament and Senate of Paraguay, Silvio Adalberto Ovelar Benítez” today and mentioned that last year in August, he served as President Tsai’s special envoy to attend the inauguration ceremony of President Santiago Peña Palacios in Paraguay, where he had a meal with Senate President Ovelar. He thanked the Paraguayan government for its concrete support for Taiwan and looked forward to further deepening the friendship between Taiwan and Paraguay, jointly safeguarding the democratic and free way of life, facing various challenges with confidence, and promoting the prosperity and development of both countries for the benefit of the people.

During his address, Senate President Ovelar expressed gratitude for Vice President Lai’s warm welcome to the delegation. He had the honor of meeting Lai Ching-te during President Peña’s inauguration ceremony in Paraguay. As Vice President Lai just mentioned, President Peña reiterated the friendship between the two countries in his inauguration speech. Additionally, Paraguay unconditionally supports Taiwan and will support Taiwan’s international participation in various international forums, especially at the United Nations.

“Vice President Lai can surely see that the affection of the Paraguayan people for Taiwan is sincere, not opportunistic. We are also very grateful for the uninterrupted friendship between the two countries for more than sixty years, with close cooperation in various fields such as education and technology,” said Ovelar.

Ovelar emphasized that he firmly believes that the relationship between the two countries will further deepen. The Paraguayan people will never change their determination to maintain and deepen bilateral friendship and cooperation. In this era of realism where many countries prioritize interests, for Paraguay, emotions, commitments, and values are crucial. They will continue to deepen the bilateral relationship between Paraguay and Taiwan.

Ovelar mentioned that the delegation feels like they are at home in Taiwan, receiving warm hospitality everywhere they go. Vice President Lai had visited the Paraguayan capital, Asunción, and he believes he could sense the Paraguayan people’s heartfelt feelings towards the people of Taiwan. In closing, he blessed both Taiwan and Paraguay.

In his address, Lai Ching-te stated that Senate President Ovelar is a good friend and a long-time friend of Taiwan. He also welcomed Hermelinda Alvarenga de Ortega, the Second Vice President, and Pedro Alejandro Díaz Verón, a Senator, both heavyweight parliamentarians and members of the Senate’s “Taiwan-Paraguay Friendship Committee.” Lai expressed gratitude to both for their long-term efforts and contributions to maintaining the friendship between Taiwan and Paraguay. He also thanked President Peña and the Paraguayan Congress for their concern and support after the earthquake in Taiwan on April 3.

Lai mentioned that last year when he attended President Peña’s inauguration ceremony, he was invited to attend a religious blessing ceremony and the 486th anniversary celebration of the founding of Asunción. Everywhere the delegation went, they received warm welcomes from the Paraguayan people, making him feel warm and witnessing the strong friendship and deep emotions between Taiwan and Paraguay. He also saw a solid foundation for cooperation in education, healthcare, and trade between Taiwan and Paraguay during this trip.

He pointed out that it was rare for President Peña to reaffirm in his inauguration speech that the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Paraguay share values such as democracy, freedom, and human rights, calling each other “fraternal nations,” which left a deep impression on him. Recently, “President Peña and the Paraguayan government have taken concrete actions to firmly support our country’s international participation, advocating for Taiwan at various international forums such as the UN General Assembly, UNFCCC, INTERPOL, and the WHO,” he expressed sincere gratitude on behalf of the Taiwanese people and government to Paraguay.

On May 20, Lai Ching-te and Xiao Mei-chin will officially assume office as the 16th President and Vice President of the Republic of China. Lai stated that Taiwan is willing to continue to deepen friendship and cooperation with Paraguay, allowing the brotherly relationship between the two countries to have a “united as brothers, their benefits cut through iron” effect, firmly safeguarding the democratic and free way of life, facing various challenges with confidence, and driving the prosperity and development of both Taiwan and Paraguay to benefit the people of both countries. He also sincerely invited President Peña, Senate President Ovelar, and members of the delegation to Taiwan to attend his inauguration ceremony to further enhance the friendship between the two countries.