Outstanding Master’s student flees to the United States, exposing the evils of the Chinese Communist Party system.

In a recent report, it was revealed that among the Chinese immigrants crossing the US-Mexico border, there is a group of young people with high academic qualifications. One of them is Guo Bin, a millennial from Princess Ling City, Changchun, Jilin Province.

Guo Bin, a master’s student at Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, is fluent in English and possesses outstanding translation skills. He has won awards in national university competitions and previously worked as a graduate tutor at an English training school and as an overseas sales manager for a listed company. Before leaving the country, he was threatened due to his continuous reports of illegal persecution by the Chinese Communist Party police.

Guo Bin never imagined that his life would be associated with prison until he encountered the absurdity of reality. After being admitted to the master’s program, he decided to work during the summer to earn some money to cover tuition fees. However, he faced exploitation by his employer, who initially promised him 15,000 RMB but only paid him 1,500 RMB. When Guo tried to claim the rest of his wages, he was refused, and the police dismissed his report as an economic dispute.

The situation escalated when Guo went back to demand his wages the next day, and the employer called the police to escort him without showing any warrant. Despite questioning why he was being detained instead of the employer owing him money, he was handcuffed and brutally beaten by the police without justification.

Taken to the police station, Guo was restrained in a “fixed chair” with his hands and feet locked tightly, causing bruises. Interrogated by the police, they accused him of committing other offenses without specifying any. Guo realized that due to his online comments on various sensitive topics, including criticizing certain incidents, he was being targeted.

Subsequently, Guo was detained for a week without being provided with a detention certificate. He experienced psychological trauma, leading to him being diagnosed with acute stress disorder at Jilin University Hospital. Despite his innocence, Guo faced intimidation, harassment, and threats from the police, prompting him to flee China.

Reflecting on his experiences, Guo believes that the oppressive nature of the system allows Chinese officials to exploit ordinary citizens, as he experienced firsthand. Despite his aspirations to contribute positively to society, he was forced to leave his country due to the unjust treatment he received.

Having worked in Africa after graduating in 2016, Guo realized the extent of censorship in China. The clash between his beliefs and the reality of the Chinese Communist Party’s actions opened his eyes to the oppressive regime. In the United States, Guo found solace in the freedom, openness, and rule of law the country offers compared to the restrictive environment in China.

In conclusion, Guo Bin’s journey reflects the challenges faced by individuals in oppressive regimes and the resilience needed to seek freedom and justice. His story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of upholding human rights and democracy in the face of authoritarianism.